What Do You Do? (One Direction Fan Fiction)

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~~~ September 23, 2010~~~

"no!" Niall said. The man raised the gun and aimed it for me.

"I said no you bastard! what part of that don't you understand?!?! love.." he said.

"y-yeah...?" i stuttered out. I was in so much shok and pain it was hard to breath or speak.

"get behind me and the lads and don't move, Alizabeth. Also don't watch what i am about to do... please.." he said in a soft soothing tone. i was about to object, but then Harry pulled me behind him in a shaky hug.

"it will all be over with in a minute love." harry stated. his face was all teary, but i knew he meant it. "Just dont look at what nial is about to do."

i nodded. all of us exsept nial then went into a group hug... they were probubly trying to protect me... but i been beaten down and raped.. it hurt so much but i knew my prince charming would save us all <3. i heard someone yell... i knew i had to help him. i made them let go of me and seen a bloody face niall. oh my baby!!! thats it. i have had it.

"listin here. you got 5 seconds to run bitch!" i stated so calmly witch terrified me.

"you don't think i'm serious? alright then. 5...4...3...2...1." i kicked the gun out of his hand. i heard a lot of confident cheers behind me. but then i heard niall telling me i would get hurt. i then pushed myself harder.

i punched his gut, kicked him on the side, then i punched his jaw and nose and heard a lound pop. harry tossed me the gun. that bitch was like a coward.

"i told you that you had 5 seconds now didn't i? you shouldn'y mess with me. i will kill you. no wait let me re-fraise that. i have been through hell and back because of some dumb twit like you! so i am going to kill you." i said so calmly i was even more scared of myself.

i aimed the gun for his chest. i pulled the trigger and heard the shot go off. it was all over... we can all go home..

~~~ December 24, 2011~~~~

i heard i car pull up. my nialler has been on tour for 8 months now and said he would be home any minute now. i was really excited. i missed all of them so much. it has been a year and 2 months after what happened. i was so scared of being alone i had dani and el stay with me.

"ALIZABETH TAYLOR ANN SMITH!!!!!!" i heard 5 boys yell. then i heard runs of many foot-steps.


"MY NIALLER!!!!" i yelled when i seen him i jumped into his arms and he started to kiss me. slowly moving out=r lips into sink. the other boys were in the living room and coming in.

he asked for an entrance and i acsepted. we started to battle for dominance with our tounge. witch of course he won. he sat me up in the kitchen island.

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