chapter 5: making a run for the fun

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Lizzie's pov.

ok. ok .ok. be calm. don't show fear. stay awake if he tries to drug you. be calm. don't get shaky. i thought positive notes to myself and finnaly spoke up

"oh look!" i exclaimed in a high pitched voice. "it's the man who took my V-card away from me, raped me about 68 times, yep thats right. i kept track. tried to kill my boyfried, put my bestfriend into a mental instatution, and killed my sister."

a smirk palyed on his lips. he was up to no good. i will kill him when i'm out of here for good. i then felt a sudden urge of faith and braveness hit me. but then i felt rage and anger. and glad that i had my phone in my bra still.

i took a second to gain my surroundings once again. yes still in a cellar, it was supper cold, and had a couple of lights hanging. but then i seen my escape plan.... there wass a window behind a rack. freedom here i come. i thhought to myself when a smile creeped apoun my lips.

he came closer and i suddenly started to worry. what the hell am i going to do if he tries ti rape me?!?! oh my god... im screwed.

"how about we catch up on a little fun, shall we???" his lips going to the crook of my neck. oh hell no! i thought to myself all ghetto style. thats it. iv'e had it.

"how about not hun." i said in a countryfied accent. i then kicked him in the balls and un-wrapped myself from the chair. i smirked at the results that he only bow-tied it. he fell to the floor almost it and i took his head and slammed it againsted my knee so hard, you could hear the pop of his nose break throughout the house. i quickly ran for the shelf. i tipped it over and smashed the window open with my fists.

they were very blody and he was coming closer. i jumped in and and out of the small window, knowing i was finnaly safe because he wouldnt have been able to fit in such a small hole. i took in where i was at... butt then it hit me... i was at my old house where my parents got killed... by him..

i started to panic and hypervinolate. i quickly ran across the lawn to the road. while i was running i took my moble out of my bra and pressed number one. my nialler <3. he quickly awnser with worry and fear in his voice...

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