Part 3: kidnapped... this stuff is going down today

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lizzie's (alizabeth's" pov.

me and nial ran to our car after i got off his back, but as soon as i touched the door handle, he caught me by my arm.

"let my girl go! and this time ill hsoot you about 100 times then cut you up like a fish!" nial yelled. he then pulled out a pistol.

"nial where the-" i was about to finish my sentence when nial cut me off.

"i had it ever scincce that faitful day... i never wanted this to happen again." he said softly.

i seen a tear slip down his cheek and then i remembered the day. all the anger i had, all the sadness, every mixed emotion, everything just all came out at once and before the blink of an eye, i had that bastard on the concrete. i punched him fouriously about ten times, then stoped to hand nial my cell phone.

"call the police, please" i said in  a shaky voice.

he was knocked out. good. it was going to take police about 12 minutes to get here. but then the unthinkable happened. and i seen the other person who tried to kill us all. it took almost 3 months to get louis out of therapy because he seen me be raped by him. he is the one who took a cow belt to my bare body.. the one who suduced me... the one who killed my sister. the one i thought i mudered.

this is all to real. but without any warning at all, niall grabbed me before he could see me, and pulled me behind the car.

"how the hell is he back?!?! i shot him! i shot him, nial! i did!" i began to sob in his shirt lighly and quietly. "h-he isss the..." i trailed off and began to sob louder. i didn't want to finish my sentence.

"its alright lizzie. i promise. now, you have to be strong for me ok?" he said quietly while kissing my fore-head.

i nodded looking up at him.

"then i am going to give you a phone and go kill the boy and then we are going to go home and pretend like this didn't happen. ok huney?" heasked me.

all i could do was nodd and grab the phone. i watched him go twoard the guy just as soon as the police showed up. they got out the car and came rushing twoard me, nial and the 2 other guys.

i drowned them outt and tried to think of what was going to happen... but then i heard 2 gun shots go off and thought the worse. i screamed when i found out the impact of those bullets hit the guy i love...

i screamed and ran twoared them.

"liz!" i heared someone yell.

"lizzie!!" they yelled again.

"that's it." the voice said. and jumped on top of me.

oh thank god. it was only a dream. i panted, trying to get small breaths in and out. then i felt the acid in my stomache rise. i knew i was going to be sick.

i ran to the bathroom with all the boys running after me worriedly. i ignored them.

as soon as i got to the bathrom, i vomited on the floor...the boys came rushing in after me and nial turned to zayn and haryy.

"boys go get the cleaning supplies." he said. then he turned twoards lous and liam. "i am going to trust you guys to make liz something to eat and then ill take her tempaturee and lead her to her room."

"no-" i was about to protest when all the boys but my blondey ran off i differnt directions. nial went to the bathroom cabnit and reached for the themometor. he then picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom.

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