safe and sound for now in his arms <3

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Ok Guys! This is me sorry. i just wanted to tell y'all that im not getting enough credit for these stories... i mean ome on! i uploaded the last part about a week ago, and only 2 people have read it. also, i have absolutely no omments and only one vote; from my big sissie!!! really people!

sorry guys... stay bright. just like my light. anywho.. im sorry i took it out on y'all... my whole weekhas been rushed with school science(wich im failing! lol) and much more drama at home. my boyfriend tried to kiss me and i broke up with the love of my life... so yea. sorry.. STORY TIME!! X) 

Niall: Hello!!?!? Is that you lizzie?!?!

me: yea! please come pick me up nialler! and bring everyone else to!im at... uh.. my old house.... please come quick. i hope you remember where it's at..

I heard nial yell for everyone to get in the damn van. lol. i love him. my little lepercaun...

nial: please stay on the line. we want to know where you are at all timed. what ever you do, don't move. if someone tries to hurt you, run twoards the closest house or wooded area possible, but stay on the line!

me: ok i wi-

i was cut off by hearing footsteps. closer and closer they were coming. i started to panick... what am i going to do! fuck. fuck. fuck!

nial: liz! are you there!!

me: shhh! nial hes following me! dont talk.

i ran to the closest woods i could. i am so glad that i took track when i was in high school. it really does pay off... oh shoot! i got cut. shit..... i heard the foot-steps. it sounded like they were closer than every. they finnaly stoped and i was very far back. yet i could still see the road. i sprinted to it. i then seen a black van pull up. finnaly!

"lizz! oh thank godd! we were worried about you! its been a full week! we tried every way to get to you!" i heard a voice that was filled with worry and threat of a grown parent. liam.

i was then swallowed by all the boys. i almost fell over. it then got to me. a full week!

"a full fucking week!" i shouted. i looked at my stomache. wow. i look to skiny....

"hey zayn, can i borrow a mirro-" i was about to finnish my sentence when i looked up at zayn. his hair was a mess and his eyes had bags under them. i then looked at everyone else. they all looked a mess. escpessially nial. he he looked very pale and looked like he hasn't eaten anything in a while like me.

i started to tear up.... all those memories of nial helping me. i have never seen these boys so shhoke up looking and torn apart. they must really be my family... the one i never had. i startedto cry silently. niall really does love me then..

"lizz..." an irish vooice whispered. "a-are you ok?"

i hugged nial tight and whispered in his ear, "thanks nialler."

i then felt safe.... a tingley sensation occoured in my body. i never have felt like this about anyone...  and i know niall will always be my one and only.... forever.

"i love you nial james horan." i said. i haven't ever told him that.. i have never told anyone that.. not even my parents..

he lifted my chin up so i was facing him.

"i love you to Alizabeth Taylor Ann Smith. and nothing will ever change that.. ever." he whispered. i saw a twinkle in his eye.. then he kissed me.

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