part: 2 there it is.... here we go again..

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"eww!" i jumped as i saw louis come in and the rest just staring at us.

i blushed fouriously.

"uh.. er... moment spolier!!!!" i yelled out.

"yep. now where's my little carrot named Kevin??? i swear i seen him in the frige but now he is gone." louis said.

"uh... wel he went into a thing that crunches stuff up, then got swallowed and feel into a pot of acid, after that, i shall not say. oh and dont come to his funeral..." harry said.

"my boo bear ate my kevin?!?! why world, why?!?! ps. u owe me 1000 carrots, 10 dollars, and a piggy back ride!!!" louis said

"you two are so immature!" nail state

"oh really?!?!" zayn said. "potatoes."

"what?!?! where?!?! do they have a t-bone steak to go with it? and nandos, and french fries and-" niall kept blabbering on about what food he wanted to go with it, and to me it felt like he was going to eat all that in a year... i was wrong. they actually ordered everything then he ate all of it and only let me have a chicken wing!!

"what?.... i shared didn't i?" he asked.

i lauged and he threw me over his back.

"nial!!!" i yelled. "nial, lemme go!!! or uh.. ill.. uh.. not let you have any food other than a salad!" i exclaimed.

then he dropped me. not easy, but kinda threw me.

"Nial james horan! you are going to pay for that!!!!" i yeled.

"not if you can't catch me!" he then ran away.

and lewie and harry are the immature ones!!! i giggled at that thought.

"ha!! cant cetch-!!!" he was about to finish his sentence when i jumped onto him and started to tickle him.

"qu-quit!!!!" he yelled. he was laughing so hard i was laughing.

i finnaly quit.

"fine! but you owe me!" i yelled.

"no i do-" he was about to finnish his sentence again when i jumped on his back.

"lets go to nandos!!!!" i yelled still on his back.

we finnaly got there and he was out of breath.

"oh my...-" nial didn't finnish his sentence.

i turned around and finnished it for him

"god." i said.

they seen us and started to walk casually over to us. i screamed and nial put me behind his back

"call 9.1.1 alizabeth... they are back." he said. his voice sounded terrified and i knew why...

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