nevermind that... i want to be your first

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"who's is the house?" asked niall.

i don't fucking know! if i did i would have said something like, go away i'm busy!,

"shit." i muttered after i heard the stampeed of boys rushing in on us..

the door nob turned and niall went red. but i was redder.

"i told you he was!" screamed harry.

"i'm still not paying you harry." zayn said.

"wait. what's going on here" i asked them.

they all bursted out laughing and i looked down to red to look up. i then heard niall..

"get the hell out ow!" he screamed. apperenly he could scence my uncomfert.

the boys scattered out of the room one by one and i got off the bed sighing.

"and where do you think your going?" he asked me.

i didn't awnser. i was to embarresed to.

"awnser me." said  a little mad now.

he got up off the bed and started walking twoards me. i backed away and to my luck, i hit the wall. great liz, just great.

i crused under my breath as he came closer to me.

he pressed our bodies close up.

Ya! i know it's short and i'm sorry about it! but hey, it's better than nothing right? next one may have a sex scene comment and  vote if you want so.

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