Ch 2 - Bust

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Let's meet them.



Side note, due to a busy schedule of car work (oh the pain) for the weekend I thought I'd give you a taste since this pre written. See ya Thursday on this all. Ti Amo.

Ichika opened the door for you. The girls followed in as Fuutaro was in front of you. As you entered apartment you look around in awe. This place is amazing. From the view outside with an outdoor deck, to the fish tank, to multiple bedrooms, and somehow only one bathroom.

"You can put your coat and helmet here if you like." Insisted Ichika. "You ride?"

"Just a moped. Nothing too special. I mean it's nice but nothing to brag about." You replied honestly.

"Alright. So let's gather around and give everyone an introduction."

The two of you go over to the couches. The girls are taking a seat. Ichika is kicking back. Itsuki and the other long haired girl are on the edge of where they are sitting. The quiet one is keeping to herself and the other short haired girl with the bow is happy to have company. That leaves you and Fuutaro for intros.

"My name is Fuutaro Uesugi. I'm sorry about all the weird things happening right now, but, I'm your tutor." The room was still a little awkward.

The other long haired girl wasn't impressed. "How do we know you're qualified?" She asked.

"I'm number one in your class actually." He said firmly.

"Well that's convincing." Chimed the short haired girl with the bow. "I'm Yotsuba. I can't wait to get started."

"Well that's three so far." You smile. "I'm (FN). I'm his best friend. I've known him and his sister for years. I'm going to be assisting him if I can."

"Hmph. Another one." Huffed the long haired girl that still has yet to identify herself.

"I owe him. You got a name?" Looking over her direction.

"Nino. What's it to you?" She turned away.

"To properly greet you? Say hello? Kindness? You know?"

"'Kay." She sassed.

"And one more." Ichika looked over to the shy looking girl with blue headphones around her neck. "Well?"

"Miku." Short response as expected from a shy type.

"Alright. Itsuki, Ichika, Yotsuba, Nino, Miku. All five Nakano sisters. Got it memorized Fuutaro?" You look to your right.

"Yeah I got it. Now, any subject matter that we need to focus on?" He asked around.

"Everything..." Sighed Itsuki.

All the girls put their heads down in shame. That means everything subject has to be covered. What mathematics? What arc and level of history? How in depth for Japanese and English?

"Where to begin Fuutaro?" You ponder. After all, you're the assistant. He's running the show.

"Actually I have a quick multiple choice test. Then we go from there. What to work on." He suggested.

"Alright man. How many questions. Like 50?"



"Covers all five main subjects and will give a percentage of those subjects as well. This gives an indication of strengths and weaknesses. Should we get to it?"

"Can we grab a snack first?" Asked Itsuki.

"I guess." Nodded Fuutaro.

"I was about to say man. That's mean don't you think?" You look at him worried that he's going to be a dictator.

"Go for it girls. Want a snack or water go for it. Just answer honestly and (FN) and I will grab an answer sheet to grade you."

"Okay. Let's go." Cheered Yotsuba.


There is two of you finishing up. The overall score and each subject score. Best score would be 100 overall and 20/20. Now this took around an hour and a half. Two hours if you include the grading. Now you were presenting results to all five. Which was nothing to be excited about.

"Well girls." Fuutaro put all the papers down. Overall score 100," He paused impressively. "Combined."

"Oh." Itsuki was shamed.

"Ah." Ichika blushed with a smile.

"So what's your master plan mister tutor?" Asked Nino with an angry tone.

"Easy. We're here to help. I actually took this myself. Turns out I need work myself. Haha." They weren't being insulted by any means.

"Oh yeah? What you get being his assistant?" She questioned you.

"81. Best Japanese and the worst English. I didn't study prior. But neither did you girls. So we got this school year to have you all graduate. And I know all five of you are different. You will all learn and pick up things differently."

Nino continued to show the grudge she was holding. "You probably can't even tell us apart by appearance."

You shake your head with a smile. Then a small chuckle. "Actually Nino, outside the attitude I know who you are by your ribbons. Really nice touch. All of you. Itsuki has her stars because she has that smile even though I haven't seen it yet. Yotsuba acts adorable and has her bow. Ichika has the short hair and since she lead me and my friend in she does act like the oldest. It means she's strong. And Miku is quiet and those headphones are a sign of loneliness."

"Very observant." Complimented Itsuki. "This why you're helping him?"

"It's a debt. I can't talk about it."

Ichika smirked. "Okay." I won't drop this. I'll find out eventually.

"I swear. The two of you are so confusing." Sighed Itsuki.

"Well this is mostly a bonding exercise." Added Fuutaro. "Tomorrow we go from classes to hitting the books. Library, here, wherever you choose."

"Library sounds good. I'll get us a table." Offered Yotsuba.

"Don't have to leave the school either. Sounds good. Anyone object?" You look around.

"I think I have work." Said Ichika.

"Anyone else?" Asked Fuutaro.

"I suppose." Miku said quietly.

"Okay. So before it gets dark anything else while we're here?" You look around.

"What time?"

"Twenty minutes after the final bell? We're not military. We're just getting homework done and going from there."

"Okay. You drive safe and get home safely." Ichika smiled and waved. "Night boys."

"Night girls." You wave and go for your jacket and helmet. Then giving the glasses to Fuutaro.

"How is Fuutaro on a budget and you own a bike?" Asked Itsuki.

"My brother." You sighed. "Bad subject. Though keep this in mind girls. I don't have him anymore. I have the bike and enough money to put gas in it. He helped me get it. And now he's gone. Be grateful the five of you have each other. Good evening." You let yourself out of the door. I won't be seeing him for quite some time. You either change or join where he is. Bottom line.


What is really to it? And which girl makes him spill the beans?


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