Ch 20 - Parents

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Nino randomly showed up at your house. She doesn't know where you live... Your parents thought you were single. WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE!?



So just out of nowhere, your girlfriend unexpectedly found your house. Not sure how she got your address and just knocked on the door with a surprise. You were shocked and your mother just grinned.

Your mother looked at her and smiled. Then over to you. "So Dear, may I just an introduction as to who this pretty girl is?"

"Uhhh, yeah. Ma, this is Nino. This is, my girlfriend."

"Ohhh." Your mother giggled. "I see. And we just had this conversation the other day. Didn't we? I'm sure we did. So, how long have you been holding out on your father and I?"

"This was rather recent."

"So she's one of the five sisters you told me about?" This was going to lead to something else.

"Yes..." You blushed.

"And what makes her different from the other sisters?" She was going there. This was a test for you. This was to prove yourself and to make Nino feel special.

"Outside the hair with the ribbons being a nice touch, she has this personality I like. Strong, assertive, and some element I'm trying to piece together."

"Alright. Please do come in Nino. Come sit with us. We were just at the table. Can we get you anything? Coffee? Maybe some tea?" Your mother was really being a good host as well as mother.

"Thank you so much." Nino bowed to pay her respects.

"Uhhh, Queen?"

"Yeah Boo?"

"Why and how? Aren't you supposed to..."

She smiled. "The head chef has taken ill and the owner closed for today. I didn't even have to change. Then Fuutaro texted me your address. Sorry if I'm burdening."

"Well I didn't bring it up yet to them..."

"I see." Nino shook her head as she sat down next to you.

"Choji, this is Nino. Our son brought his first girlfriend home." Your mother served everyone some team and sat comfortably. "By the way (FN), how come this is the first time we have heard about it?"

"Well it was planned. Surprise? Eh? Something..." Slightly awkward. Little embarrassing. And Nino is half enjoying this apparently.

"Alright." Your mother looked over to your father. "Choji would you like that add?"

"So how did this all come about?" Asked your father to Nino.

"He kind of came across as an ex badboy. He has the appearance of it but he's sweet and cares for others. I remember when he studied us with us what seemed like almost all night. Then he ditched class to sleep in as Fuutaro got his assignments. Then came back to pur apartment and did it again. I'm the one who called him at like 4 AM that night as he got in."

Your father sighed and hung his head. "Was a rough night."

"Banzai..." You said sarcastically.

"Wait, Boo did your father actually..." That wasn't a joke after all it seemed.

Your mother looked at her husband and then to you. "My husband woke to a disturbance. He's never been home that late on a school night. So when he heard the noises he was defending the house. But he turned the lights on and then got into stance. You have to be quicker then that. So I told both of them off and went back to bed."

Nino is kind of like Ma in the sense of control. I don't think Ma will poison someone, but let's not go there. I should never think of that again.

"So that's for real. Got it." Nino giggled.

"But tell me Nino. I ask this as a mother and as a person. Is (FN) here a bad kid?"

"Well, no."

"Did he tell you about his brother?" Asked your father.

"He did. Alcutta 'Alpha' (LN). Several charges and convictions. Ten years. But he was forward with me. And my sisters. Took a while for him to say and such but he told me everything going on."

"I see. Has he made any attempt to do such things? I don't want a girl like you involved with any of this." Your mother then turned to you. "Especially if he's doing something immoral."

"Think I want to sell cigarettes and stolen vape supplies? Try again." You shake your head.

Nino then has an idea. "So, question. Did he really get Fuutaro's family into severe debt?"

"Alcutta sold a building to Fuutaro's mother for a restaurant. It was her dream. Though she passed away of illness and that left them before it could kick off. They've been trying to find a buyer or renter but no such luck right now. That's why it's a struggle for them." Your mother was on top of everything. That's what was rather scary.

"Ah. (FN) blames himself for talking to Fuutaro to convince his mother." Nino looked over to you. "Sorry for the sore subjects Boo."

"I'm okay..." You nod.

"So what's next for the two of you?" Asked your father.

"Well we've talked about being here for me to meet you for a while now. After this I don't know. Haven't given it thought. Just pass midterms and go from there really."

"So you are a quintuplet. How is it like with four sisters? You argue over possessions, boys, anything like that?" Asked your mother.

"Civil but has moments." You chuckle.

"Well when Ichika was flirting with you I got angry before we started going out. I think I had my right. And Kuro was being flirty with you whether you recognize that or not. Nagamaki or katana that's a banzai to how dense you are sometimes."

"Don't mention that..."

"Hey. You stayed home for school afterwards. I got the couch before I went to work." Cried your father.

"Made an honest man out of you didn't I?" Your mother proudly sipped her tea.

"So, thank you for having me again." Smiled Nino to your mother. "It's a little different on my end."

"Does anyone know the two of you are dating?" Asked your father.

"Well my father figure is mean and I don't want him to find out. But my sisters know. It is kept on a low profile."

"Though isn't it rather odd that everyone knows that you are getting around by his moped?" Asked your mother. "From the restaurant did you walk?"

"I did take a nice walk here. And yes we have went to the garage and to my apartment together. But nothing has been found out. Since he doesn't live with us all he expects is a clean space and passing grades. That's it. Our mother passed before middle school mostly we've looked after ourselves. It's just how it goes."

Your father looked displeased. "There is father and then there is investor. Surely you know Alcutta is serving time. But I checked on that boy. I did my best to raise him along side my wife. I'm happy he never carried a weapon and fought, but who he craved illegal money I don't know. He was out of my house when it happened. Meanwhile (FN) is here and I'm glad that he brought home a nice girl. Also happy he is treating you with respect. My other son I can't say exact same."

"Thank you."

And just think. This was much better than I imagined. Even though I think Pops will say these things only when we have company sometimes, his intentions are true.


This went fairly well. But keep your guard up.


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