Ch 52 - Popping (Finale)

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I would like to say thank you for everyone on this journey. I started it on a snowy night in January after a hard day at work and kept at it for as long as I could. I'm happy with how this turned out. 

There are other Nakano sisters to be done. Don't you worry. 

With that, here is the end to Ribbons. 



In a large castle like reception hall was a business man with a black suit. He walked over to the bar. Orders himself a five ounce glass of wine and takes a seat on the couch. A man walked in and smiled. 

"Maruo I see you drinking. Are you alright? You said drinking was only good moods and happy occasions." Smiled Ebata.

Maruo gave a little smirk. "Today is a good day. And I got four more of these. But hey paying for the wedding isn't so bad. Now four more? That is something a little different."

"Well hey it's open bar right?"

"I am not having the in-laws and other guests pay for drinks and food at a wedding I pay for. My reputation says otherwise." He took a sip. I have myself a glass maybe three times a year. 

"And the wine in your drawer at work?"

"In case a fortune 500 walks inside my door."


On the other end you are in the dressing room. In full tux and just making sure all is ready. In there is only Fuutaro and your father. Things are going smoothly. There is no need. It is just a matter of waiting on the time. You are having things go smoothly. The air conditioning is working really well in this venue is very well so it helps. And on the opposite side of the building, the bride was very happy about it. Your mother in attendance as well.

Mai (LN) was in the room with Nino getting into her dress. Zippered up nicely, her hair being modified and since there was no mother to immediate, she stepped in. Your mother and Nino got along very well. Something that Miku, Yotsuba, and Ichika didn't quite understand at the moment. And Itsuki rather on the fence with it. 

"So how's it going?" Your mother asked.

"Nervous. Is everything okay? Everything right? All well? My father's here?" Borderline Bridezilla mode.

"Ah. Hold on. This is your day and everything is fine. I'm here and experienced this. I ran through prep twice. We're fine."

"How's he doing?" Concerned Nino.

"He's with Fuutaro and my husband just passing the time. And it could be worse. There is A/C in here. I was sweating like a wild pig in my wedding dress about 25 years ago. Take it easy. No need to stress. That's why me and your sisters are here. Need some water? Calm music?"

"Well it can always be worse. We're going back to our apartment and then leave for the honeymoon tomorrow. I shouldn't overthink it."


"You're right."


You stand at the alter that was set up and see across the aisle. You have a few minutes before you see Nino walk down. In this time you open up an envelope in front of Fuutaro. He was wondering what all this was about.

"What is that? Why read it now?"

"From Alcutta." You nod to him.

"No way..."

"Way. Straight from the prison."

< Hey (FN). It has been some time. I know my letters haven't reached because I have been so ashamed and hope I haven't ruined your high school and college years. And I still have two months to serve or so. I feel even more dreadful that I cannot attend. But congrats Brother. You are a better man than I. 

-Alcutta >

"Wow. He really changed? You think?"

"Prison will do so much. Though in two months it will be amazing having him meet everyone. Though I am happy that the bad boy days are over. We wouldn't be here. Ay Toro?"

"Aye..." He turned away. 

The organ started playing. Time to back the emotions holding behind this golden moment. This is the moment of truth. Miku leads the bridesmaids down the aisle and to the opposite side. It is only time. Also amazing how many people showed up to this venue. Many friends of Nino and the Quins, your family and small circle, and then there must have been several Nakano business connections. Oh well. It won't be too much longer before you're dancing, eating good, and having champagne blast meters up in the air. 

You don't see her face behind the vale, but the dress fits her perfectly. Maruo walks down arm and arm and finally stops. This is the hardest decision a man makes. He isn't only giving the approval and blessing of a marriage. He is entrusting his daughter to another man. Her safety, her health, and her happiness. That is the hardest thing a man can do. Maruo hugged Nino and watched her walk up the aisle. Then proceeded to his seat. 

At the alter you remove the vale. "I cannot believe how stunning you look."

"You're so handsome. You always have been."

A man with a black cloak stepped forward. "We have gathered here today for a special partaking in harmony. That and the A/C is making this ceremony better for everyone." The audience chuckled. "In front of me is a couple that have been together for many years and have made the decision to tie the knot." He looked around. "If there is any objections speak now or mind your manners and verbal thoughts in the meantime." Waiting for a few seconds. "Good. We may proceed. Now due to time and us not wanting to sit down through a long and boring service, I will extend it like this. The bride and groom have both rings in hand. To the groom, you have the floor."

Wedding rehearsal meant you had everything lined up for this golden moment. "Nino." You take out the ring from your pocket. "With this ring I promise to be a good man and husband. I wish to take care of you in the best of my ability. Regards of health, money, and other factors that we will strive through together." You put the ring on her finger.

"(FN). As your wife I will do my best to make you smile and laugh just like you have done all of these years. We will overcome challenges together and I will make sure both of us are healthy and well. I am better with you and hope to keep improving myself. Together the world is ours. I swear." She put it on your finger.

"With the power invested in me and the people, we now have husband and wife." He stepped back. "You may kiss the bride."

You take her and kiss her. Everyone is smiling and cheering. You are officially married. And there was much more to come. But you made it. Good job, living together, and soon after the Honeymoon you will be talking about future events such as the cafe Nino and Miku run, kids, and vehicles. All part of life. Married life is looking bright. Including, the citrus. Oh bless the lemony goodness.


Think of a good lemon for Nino. 


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