Ch 31 - Home Alone

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This is a chapter I think everyone wanted but didn't say it. Let's get it.



It now seemed that you were officially allowed to date Nino according to Maruo. Papa Nakano and his assist had drawn up the contract. Witness signatures by Ebata the assistant and Nino in case of any difficult measures. Though Nino was still outraged that this seemed like a business contract to him. 

The contract stated that Nino in particular had to have her grades up. By up meaning passing at all times. If she bombed a test and her grade was under a certain number, that leads to no dates, no driving her around, and other problems. Nino's grades came first. Second was her work. Which in actuality, Nino's week only had two shifts. Next week only one. It went week to week at this point. Then there was the respect. Out of her bedroom and out of yours. But yet, how was he going to supervise such acts? 

You had just gotten off the bike and took your helmet off. You checked your phone. Felt a vibration and ignored it while on the road. It was a text from your mother.

< Your father and I are out on a company late lunch/early dinner. Call me if you need anything. >

"Well then..." That put things in jeopardy so to speak.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Uh Babe, Ma isn't home. She is out for a while. Probably a good two or three hours. What do you want to do?"

"We can't go in and get to it? Honestly. The kitchen table going to give me airborne illness? Come on now."

"Just letting you know. I'd rather you breach contract before me." You shrug your shoulders. 

"Oh come on. How is he going to enforce that? He have cameras in your house? The only way he knows is if he has video, pictures, or someone tells him. It is just me and you. And I can't lie. I've wanted this for sometime."

"What did you have in mind? Some alone time?"

"Can we cuddle? Just give me a few minutes to decompress?"

"Of course. I'm guessing you want to head to my room?"

"Well to blunt with you yeah." Least she is honest and not playing games around it.

"Okay. Let me put my stuff down, use the bathroom, and I can meet you in my room. We can both use it for a bit. Just want to get this essay out of the way tonight. Homework is easy and I got my essay in three days early to study for a test and go from there. But my priority is on you. I'm set." You put your helmet and jacket on the table. "Be one sec."

"Alright Boo." She took off her shoes and swapped them with her slippers. Walking over to your bedroom and she took one step in. Taking a breath and smiled. "This is it." Nino took a look around and then sat on your bed. Grinned as she smelled your scent. She took off your jacket and hung it on the chair and kicked off her slippers as she pulled back the covers.

You used the bathroom and washed your hands and face. Dried yourself and looked in the mirror with a smile. Alright. She's waiting. You exit the bathroom and walk to your room. "Nino?" You see her comfortable.

"Hi Boo."

"So, comfortable I guess?"


"You're dressed right?"

"Obviously. Come to bed will you."

"Yes Dear." Time to kick the slippers off and get under the covers. This is a first for the two of you. The two of you haven't cuddled before. Also add that this is the first time the two of you have shared a bed. As you lay down she cuddled on your chest. Another first. "Good?"


"Man, this is comfortable." You sighed happily.

"We can spare a couple minutes right?"

"Yeah. Don't want to push it too too much."

Nino thought you were thinking about her father. "This about the contract?"

"Actually, I don't want to get too comfortable. I might fall asleep or something. But what about you? I didn't think you get so comfortable in my bed. I didn't prepare for this at all."

"The place doesn't smell and its clean for a boy's room. Now let's cuddle and talk for a bit. It might make me more calm for studying."

"Thanks. That's good. Although hope this is comforting for you like it is me. And this is the first time I've cuddled with someone. Hope that my hands are okay."

"You're fine. Shush."

"Easy there Queen. Just making sure. Can't help myself. Bad enough that I got a girl in my bedroom. Don't want to push the envelope."

Nino sighed. "I'm not just some girl. I'm your girlfriend. And, it seems stable. Does it not? Come on. Boo you may not think of it because of my father's money and how sweet my sisters are, but I'm the bad girl out of the bunch. I've always wanted that cocky confidence and not thinking about certain things. And you're my bad boy. Regardless if you don't think so."

"I gave up on it." You replied to her assuring.

"It's hot. Still have that image. The problem being is the douche factor part of it. You don't make bad jokes. You don't showoff at all. The qualities you have make it an added bonus. You're good with money, smart, think before you act, and you carry yourself well. It's fun, positive, and your care and effort is what stands out. My father is like a silent partner. And you're there. You are the X-factor in my day to day."

"And you are the spark plug in the engine for me."

"Sure about that?"

"I didn't say air filter. Really woman?"

She squeezed your cheeks together. "My name is not woman."

"Yesh Dear..." She let go. 

"Though if we can, we should try and squeeze this in more often. It's not everyday that we can do this. I just want your hands on my thighs and my handles as we take breath away from each other. Tell me I'm yours for-" You kissed her before you can say forever. As you kissed her she gripped the bottom of your shirt. Pulling you as close as she could. Then rolling herself on top of you. Sliding your hands to her butt. Playing with your tongue and not caring about the time. To her after all the stress and everything on the line this was all worth it. Just to have a few minutes of cuddles and making out. Harmony. Just lovers. 


Breaching and don't care.


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