Ch 13 - Burst

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With you being back to school how does it go from here?



The history teach Mr. Osagi was standing in front of the class giving a lecture on weaponry. Going through the arms used by Japanese military from World War II to the earliest ages of bladesmiths. Of all moments to go over in history this was one of the more interesting subjects to the general student body. Not biographies or events but the weapons based and where they come from. 

It was a few minutes before class was over and the teacher was going over his next assignment. "Now I have assigned partners for a paper that is due a week from today. You and your partner are going to get together and create a paper based upon a weapon from a time period. There is any choosing. However don't be bland and say bombs. I need details. Is it a grenade. A nuke. Stiletto. It is to be discussed between partners. I leave the rest to you."

After hearing your assignments this lead you with one of the cuter girls in your classes. Kuro was one of those pearl skinned, long black hair girls. Bright eyes, great smile, and red lips. She sat next to you and now to get to work.


"Hi-ya. Anything you wanted to do in particular?"

"I want to do a sword. You good by that (FN)?"

"Actually its funny you say that. I love swords. My father has a katana and everything. Want to try something out of the norm and hope he gives us brownie points? I think if we just did a basic katana or shortsword I think he is going to want more depth."

Kuro was excited. "Yeah. But what? And region? Rome? Japan?"

"Wait. Hold on." You gathered your thoughts. "How about the nagamaki?"

"Hold on. I think I've heard of it. What is it? I think I would know it if I saw what it is." Kuro was thinking of it and seemed on board.

"Half handle half blade. In total about one and a half meters long or so."

She was excited. "Got it. That totally works. I'm glad you're so into it."

"Well hey at least we got the weapon out of the way. Now what about the information? We research today and write some notes and share tomorrow?" She proposed.

"Sounds like a plan."


History was an early class. Hours have passed since then. Lunch came and went and before you knew it you were heading to the shoe lockers. You put your bag down and opened your locker. As soon as you took your shoes off to swap them you see Kuro walking over. 

"Hey." She waved with a smile. Kuro had company as well. Two other girls were with her. You didn't recognize them.   

"Hey there. Hi girls." You wave to them. "What's up?" Continuing to put on your shoes as well as your jacket. 

"Can we swap numbers and I'll text you tonight?" She pulled out your phone. "Do you ride too?"

"I own a moped. It's how I get here." You nod.

Her friends smirked as the two of you swapped contacts. "There is so much to go over. We only got a week."

"Not a lot of time for this kind of assignment either." You chuckled. "But hey we can make it work. Right?"

Nino was passing by the area and heard your voice. Along with a few giggles that is. She had stopped dead in her tracks before quietly following the voices. Nino walked over and was disturbed by seeing you with three cute girls. Kuro was the very pretty one out of the bunch and she saw both phones out. She became annoyed. Seeing you soon to be texting a girl that looked as good as her.

"Maybe we can make time?" She asked. 

This is when Nino walked over to you. "Hey (FN)." Walking right next to your side. "And you are?"

"Kuro Nomaga. And you are?"

"Nino Nakano."

"Nakano?" Pondered Kuro. "So you're one of the sisters that got held back and are being taught by the genius after school right?"

"What's it matter to you?" She huffed.

"I don't know. I was going to ask him to come over Mira's house for a day or two."

Nino was now triggered. Not knowing what was going at the moment, but didn't like the idea of being over someone's house. For days? Two days after school doing what? Three girls and a boy in her room? You and Fuutaro had the living room, kitchen, dining room, and were able to use the bathroom up the stairs. The bedroom in other words were the forbidden temple. With that thought clouding there mind her instincts and true feelings took over. 

She hugged your arm into her chest. "Easy."

"What is this?" Gasped Kuro. 

"I had no idea." Shocked one of her friends.

"Mine." Claimed Nino.

"Okay then. Guess we'll talk later. Bye." The three of them turned around and headed out. This was all so sudden. 

They were out of sight and you turned to Nino as she let go of you. "What the hell was that?"

"You like her. Don't you?" She asked.

"She likes swords. That much I know. Did you really have to scare my partner off like that?" You reasoned.

"Your partner? Oh she's your girlfriend? This new and on the spot?"

"We're doing a team assignment together on the nagamaki. She wanted to study and get stuff done. It's due in a week and just got assigned today. Nino, what gives?"

Nino looked down. Ashamed of herself. Letting a group of cute girls anger her. But why? Why be possessive? No moves had been made or even the communication. Saying 'Mine' in reference to you and her. "I..."

"Nino. I have to say something myself. I didn't want to say it to you with anyone else around and I can't say it over the phone."

"I love you." She turned away.

"Wait. I was going to say that." You were confused. Did you and her have mutual feelings and not tell each other?

She looked at you firmly and pointed her finger at your cheek. "I love you."

"So sudden..."


And what now?


Ribbons (Nino X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now