He asks you out

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You have been there for 3 days and you have already got a job, your a cook. It is the easiest job for you but you also get a good break to spend time with the guy you seem to fall in love with, Newt. You finish your first day and run out just in time to see him running out. He stops, looks at you , and runs over to the kitchen to see you.

"Hey Y/N, how was your first day?" He asks while trying to catch his breath. You look at him and smile trying to work up the courage to actually speak to him.

"It was easy, but in a good way." You finally say. He nods and turns around looking like he was going to leave. But he suddenly turns around quickly and looks at you before saying

"Want to hang out tonight? Just me and you" he spits out. You look at him and feel like you can't breath. You don't know what to say so you don't respond.

"I understand if you don't want to, it's fine." He manages to say and looks like he is about to start crying. You feel really bad for not responding and before he walks away you say

"Wait Newt!" He turns around and looks at you before you say "I would love too." He smiles before running over to you and giving you a gigantic bear hug and a peck on the cheek. What a perfect actual first day.


The day finally ended and you wait by. The doors for you best friend/crush to come out. Minho comes out with Thomas and you just stand there smiling. Thomas runs over to you and picks you up spinning you around. You start laughing and he sets you down. You look into his eyes and he grabs your hand pulling you into the meadow. You sit down and open your bag of dinner but you too get soon interrupted by Minho and Newt with a few other graders. He looks at them and groans.

"What's wrong Thomas?" You ask him. You know something is bothering you but you don't know what.

"Y/N, we are always interrupted by the other graders when we hang out and I'm just so annoyed by it." He says but starts getting beat red. You rest your head on his shoulder and say

"I don't mind and you have never mentioned it before so why is this starting now?" You ask but for some reason this gets him even more mad. He suddenly bursts open screaming

"I have always minded but you seem to dum to realize it. I want to be alone with you because I'm in love with you!" I looked at him but he continues "I have loved you from the moment I saw you, I want to be alone with you so we could have a nice time just the two of us but that could never happen. But dammit I love you Y/N." He finally stops and gives me time to answer I look at him and smile,

"I love you too, what if I told you that I have a way that only the two of us could hang out." He looks at me and starts nodding his head vigorously. I nod and he says

"I guess it's a date." I smile and say

"A date."


The morning starts of great. Since you were the only girl you got your own room and just to your luck Minho's (your crush) room is right next to yours. He always waits for you outside your door before he has to run. You both run to grab breakfast and then he is off. About 2 hours later you hear a scream coming out of the maze. Immediately you run over and see what happened. Thomas is dragging Minho out of the maze and he looks badly hurt.

"Minho!!! Are you okay?" I scream. I rush to his side and I see him looking up at me. He sees me and motions for me to lean in closer.

"Y/N, will you please do something for me?" He asks, he sounds in so much pain. I nod wondering what he wants me to do for him. He takes a big breath before saying,

"Will you go out with me?" I look back at him and I see my non hurt regular Minho smiling his face off. I start crying and Minho immediately sits up to hug me but I run away. How could he do that to me? I actually thought he was hurt. Suddenly Thomas came up to me.

"Hey Y/N, Minho just wanted you to like him, you know that right?" I nod to hurt to talk. I suddenly came up with the best way to get back at Minho. An evil smirk came across my face and I whisper my plan to Thomas. He looks up and nods vigorously laughing at my plan.

"Perfect" he said. The next day I woke up ready to freak out Minho. He avoided me all morning and I waited till he got back. When Minho got back I screamed from where I was lying down in the homestead. I looked out the window and saw Minho running as fast as he could to hear. "Okay guys ready?" I ask my crew. I am lying in the bed and Minho runs in.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" He asks. I nod but I point to my heart and start to cry.

"Minho, heart hurts." I manage to say. He looks at my and says

"Y/N I'll do anything, just please stay alive" he says. I smirk and say

"yes." He looks at me and is confused. "Yes I'll go out with you." He sighs with relief and we hug.


The best part of the day is working along side Gally during my job. I stare at him everyday but I don't think he notices me. One day one of the other builders comes up to me

"Hey Y/N, listen how about you and me go and DO some things?" He smirks but I ignore him. He grabs my arm and drags me off into the deadheads and pins me against a tree before sucking my neck. I scream as loud as I could but then Gally shows up and pushes the grader to the ground before punching him over and over again. When Gally was finished the boy ran away. I turn around and start to walk away.

"Are you okay Y/N?" He asks me, I was surprised because he usually never speaks to me. I look up at him and give him a slight nod. He smiles before eye head back to camp. Gally stops me and spins me around

"Y/N, I have liked you for a while now so will you do me the honors of going out with my?" He asks and I just stare into his eyes before answering with a,

"Yes" he runs over and gives me a gigantic hug before we walk of hand in hand back to the glade.

*please vote this chapter! Thanks!!

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