Your first kiss

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I have been here for almost a year and I only have one really good friend, Newt. He is so kind and thoughtful, not to mention hot. I feel like I am starting to like him more than a friend but I know that he doesn't feel that way towards me. I was working as a medjack and Newt comes to check up on me every once in a while. But one day Newt came in, not to visit but for treatment,

"What's going on here? What happened?" Clint asked rushing over. I looked at Newt,

"I can't tell." I suddenly feel dizzy and collapse. I woke up with a pounding headache on a bed next to Newt, I extend my hand and grab his. I feel him squeeze my grasp and we just laid there, one of us not moving. I see Newt turn his hand and smile, his eyes full with tears.

"Hey love" he says,

"Hey Newt" I smile at him.

"Y/N can I ask you something?" I nod but first I put my other hand up,

"Sure but first tell me why you are here." He lowers his head. He sits up and so do I, I notice that his leg was all wrapped up. I think he noticed me staring at his leg so he starts to unwrap the bandage. He looks at me,

"I tried to kill myself, I jumped off the top of the maze." I stand up and sit next to him, I rest my head on shoulders.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, I think that he lost it because his tears started flowing out.

"Because the person I like doesn't like me back." This time this really caught my surprise because I'm the only girl in here, unless he is gay.

"Who?" I ask nervous about who he is about to say. His eyes were sparking from the tears. It felt like an eternity before he said it but I knew that it was only a couple of seconds.

"It's you shuckface!" He screams. I stare at him for a while before I lean in quickly and kiss him. I pull away and see him smirking.

"What?" I ask, he doesn't respond back by talking but by kissing me again. It was perfect.

The Newbie, Thomas, arrived a week ago and so did the new girl Teresa. I knew that she liked him from the start but it was kind of hard to tell for him, I mean I think he is super nice and cute but I don't know. I see him and Teresa hanging out all the time and it gets me kind of jealous so I try to hang out with Newt more since he is the second hottest to me. One day later Thomas asked Teresa out and so I asked Newt out. We all decided to go on a double date in the meadow so I ask Frypan to pack us all a lunch. The minute we got there Teresa was going all out on the PDA, it made me sick so I excuse myself to go to the bathroom but Thomas follows me.

"Hey Y/N wait?!" He screams. I walk faster until I am running as hard as I can but I knew Thomas was faster, he charged into me and pinned me to the ground.

"What the shuck are you doing?" I scream trying to get up. He just looks at me while I was squirming around under the weight of his arms. He suddenly leans down and kisses me on the cheek,
"What the heck?!" I scream at him,
"You have a girlfriend!" I say he looks at me,

"But all I ever wanted was you!!" He screamed and at that moment I froze, not knowing what to do so I didn't think at all. I smiled at him as we leaned into each other but we were interrupted by a scream and Thomas being shoved off me. I look and see Teresa crying and Newt beating Thomas up, I pull Newt off of him and slap him,

"What are you doing?!" I scream, a Newt looks at me with tears in his eyes,

"I really like you and I saw him kiss you and I don't know." He says. I feel bad but I belong with Thoma,

"I'm sorry Newt but I like Thomas. I hope you understand." He nods and walk away while Teresa was talking to Thomas, then slaps him.

"Hey!" I scream and she runs away. I hold Thomas' face in my hands, he looks up at me, I laugh, and I kiss him. We kiss for a while and I grab onto his neck as we pull in closer. We pull apart and finish our lunch, after we walk off hand in hand.

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