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talking bodies.

they were best friends, always had been and always would be.

there was nothing to question, no 'what if,' absolutely no doubt about it.

el hopper was meant to be mike wheeler's best friend just as mike wheeler was meant to be el hopper's best friend.

this is what they knew.

that was until they both found themselves heartbroken and clutching a bottle of vodka to rid themselves of the pain they both fell victim to.

whilst wasted out of their minds, they crossed the line, the line that had guarded them and kept their friendship safe for the past twelve years.

they agreed it was just one intoxicated mistake, but how many times can a mistake be made before they admit it isn't a mistake at all?

how long until they have to admit that, that mistake is exactly what they've always desired but never been bold enough to act on?

only they refused to concede, and instead allowed their bodies to do all their talking.

a/n: i'm literally writing out of my ass, like i have a plan but i'm writing this mostly bc we love a friends w benefits smut plot!!! oh, and yes, obv there will be smut. children, plz go!!!! ok, thx

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