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"choke me, daddy."

the punishing pace of his hips intensified as he moved a hand to wrap around her neck, squeezing the sides. "you're so fucking tight for me, aren't you? shit," he groaned in her ear, relishing in the sound of his balls smacking her ass as he pounded into his petite best friend.

she vehemently nodded, clutching his head into her neck. "mmmh, i'm gonna cum. oh, my god, mike! uh," she whimpered, reflexively hooking her legs around his waist as she felt her control wavering. "fuck, harder. i'm so close, uh!"

his hand that wasn't clasped around her throat dug into his mattress, determined to make her cum first. he glanced between their rapidly thrusting bodies to watch her pussy wrapped around his cock. the sight alone could've done it for him, but he willed himself to hold out. "come on, baby. cum on my cock." she moaned when he clutched her throat even tighter, "i said, cum."

"oh, oh, fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck! mike, i can't- oh, daddy, mmf!" she rambled just before her orgasm sent her tumbling over her edge. "yes, fuck me! i'm cumming... your cock, ugh!" she cried, crushing his chest against hers as the pleasure wrecked her small body.

as soon as he felt her pussy ease it's grip on him, he pulled out and started stroking his slick cock. when her hazy eyes fluttered open and she looked between them, she moved his hand away so she could finish him. "oh, fuck," he seethed as her hand expertly jerked him off.

"cum on me, daddy. cover me in your hot fucking cum," she edged him in the most sultry tone she could manage in her breathless state.

it was only seconds later that he was spurted warm, white ropes on her flat belly and along her tits. his hold on her throat tightened and she whimpered, watching his cock cover her in his seed.

once she milked him of his very last drop, he rolled over to lay beside the brunette with a dazed smile. he rolled his head in her direction to view his 'work' that coated her torso all the way from right above her smooth pussy to her hardened nipples.

"shit, that's literally the hottest thing i've ever seen," he couldn't help but say, staring a little too intently.

she giggled, looking at the white liquid that covered her olive skin. she shamelessly swiped her middle finger in the cum and brought it to her plump lips before locking gazes with him. "mmmh," she moaned, suckling on her frosted finger.

his mouth parted, "okay, i stand corrected. that was the hottest thing i've ever seen."

she removed her finger to laugh and roll her eyes. "can you go get something so i can clean this off?"

though he wasn't completely ready to give up the sight, he nodded and got off his bed and headed toward his connected bathroom. he came back moments later and tossed her a hand towel before locating their underwear on his floor.

she wiped his cum off her stomach with a slight scowl, no longer as turned on by the sticky substance. "dude, this really is a lot," she commented, just not realizing.

he smirked as he pulled on his boxers before passing her, her panties and bra. "just hurry and get dressed," he replied after checking the time on his phone. "my mom will get home any minute now," he reminded.

she mouthed mockingly as she wiped away the last bit of remaining evidence of their activities off her breasts. she swiftly hooked her bra on, "oh, what's your mom making for dinner?"

he shrugged, "something with chicken, i don't know."

she lifted her hips to put on her panties just as he threw her dress at her. "okay, i'm eating here."

not at all surprised, he nodded absentmindedly as he checked his phone. he saw a text from lucas on their group chat. it was a picture of a party flier.

"did you know tanner reed is having a party friday?" he asked, staring at his phone.

pulling her dress, she nodded. "yeah, some girls were talking about it in my first period. we're going. it's been, like, a month since someone had a party and i want intoxicated type of fun," she wagged a brow as she untucked her hair from back of her dress. "i'm going to get a juice, you want something?" she offered getting off his messy bed.

mike shook his head and put his phone away before finishing getting dressed. he opted for sweats instead of the jeans he was wearing initially.

he grimaced as the towel strewn at the end of his bed. he pinched it between his thumb and index finger (as if it wasn't his bodily fluid) and hurried to drop it in his hamper.

a/n: i'm on a smut roll 😳😳 this chapter was short, but yay bc we introduced the classic wattpad high school party!! thanks for reading lol, xx

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