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"what's the kinkiest sex you've ever had?"

el's eyes snapped away from the screen of her phone when max's unexpected question filed into her ears. they were both sprawled out over the mayfield girl's bed, previously engrossed in their cell phones.

her eyes brows lifted. "huh?"

"like, what's the wildest sex you've ever had?" she rephrased, still not revealing the reason for her curiosity.

without looking away from her finger friend, she dropped her phone into her lap with a slight grimace as she figured out how she could answer her without truly answering her. "um, i'm not sure. i've had some fairly wild sex," she replied, not wanting to delve into the details.

"wild as in what, though? i only ask because lucas doesn't seem interested in spicing things up. like, i love him and the sex is great. he's so soft, and loving, and gentle, but, ugh, sometimes i just want to be pushed around and have my hair pulled. does that make me crazy? am i crazy?" she queried, rubbing her hands over her face in frustration.

el giggled and shook her head. "no, max, you aren't crazy. i personally prefer rough sex over the soft, gentle kind — no offense to lucas."

max's already round blue eyes seemed to widen at the subtle revelation. "how rough?" el's gazed dropped to her lap and a slight smirk pulled at her lips. "hey, no, no! secrets are for lame ass bitches. i want the kinky details."

el rolled her eyes and shrugged. "nothing crazy. just what's to be expected; hair pulling, spanking, choking-"

"choking?! holy fuck! what?" the redhead gaped, searching her friend's face for any giveaway that she kidding. "you're serious?" the brunette nodded sheepishly, feeling slightly embarrassed. "what else?"

el pursed her lips, trying to think of how much she could tell her before it was too much. "um, you promise you won't make fun of me?" max nodded assuringly. "okay, so i might have a slight daddy kink-"

"oh, my god! damn, el! it's like i don't even know you-"

el interrupted her, "you said you wouldn't make fun!"

the blue eyed girl shook her head. "i'm not making fun, i'm just surprised! none of your exes seem like the daddy type." she was right about that. "which one was it?"

none of her exes fit the type. she'd rather max know it was mike than allow her to believe she called any of her actual ex boyfriends 'daddy.' so, she lied, "it wasn't an ex. it was a guy who lived in my aunt becky's apartment when i visited her over the summer. it was causal."

max scowled. "okay, fuck you for not telling me you hooked up with some hot daddy guy during your summer in chicago. am i not your best friend?!"

"technically, no," el knew max was mildly butthurt that el claimed mike as her truest best friend so she wasn't surprised when she received a slap on the shoulder.

max's eyes narrowed. "you can't even tell mike everything you tell me. he doesn't understand, el. he has a dick."

a big dick

— that el wouldn't mind riding later tonight if he isn't busy.

the brunette shook away her scandalous thought. "can we stop talking about sex?" seriously, she was getting horny thinking about the things she did with her best friend.

max was pretty quick to reject her request. "uh, no. you have to tell me about chicago boy. c'mon, how big was his dick?"

el pursed her lips, weighing her options. she couldn't deny that it would be fun to share the details of her recent sexual exploration with her closest girl friend. and if she kept up the chicago boy cover story, max would never know the truth.

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