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"i can't believe they're making us go to this stupid pep rally," el complained, placing her final book in her locker.

max's brows drew together. "wait, you're actually going to that?"

the brunette nodded, organizing her books according to the order she would need them come monday. "i mean, it's mandatory, right?"

"well, yeah, but we're all going to skip it. we're going to eat at benny's. i thought you knew?" her friend asked, her confusion written clearly across her pale, feminine features.

el pursed her lips before shaking her head. "um, nope. that's odd, no one told me," she replied, feeling a little offended to be left out of the loop.

max shrugged. "i would've, i just figured that mike did. after all, it was his idea to ditch it. i'm surprised he didn't tell you himself."

the chief's daughter's posture faltered, realizing what happened. it seemed her and mike's subtle efforts at avoiding each other all week have consequences.

she tried to play it off, "oh, yeah. mike's been busy this week, so we haven't really had the chance to hang out lately."

max kinked a brow, obviously unconvinced. she suddenly closed her friend's locker, locking gazes with the startled girl. "okay, what's up with you two? you've both been acting weird all week. the guys and i just assumed it was because of the whole sophie-and-mason-thing, but i'm getting worried. did you two get into an argument or something?"

yeah, something.

el feigned obliviousness. "i don't know what you're talking about," she lied and started to walk away from the locker.

"oh, no you don't, sweetie," her second closest friend objected, pulling her back. "come on, el. what happened? are you still upset about mason and sophie? because if you are, i totally get it, but that's not his fault. you can't blame him."

el sighed, "i don't! it's not that, okay? can we just drop it?"

the redhead scoffed, amused that her friend thought 'dropping it' was even on the table. "um, no. we can't." el rolled her eyes, leaning back against the cold lockers. "just tell me! you two are being weird and it's messing with the whole group's dynamic."

a pair of honey eyes squinted, "how?"

"because you and mike were the first friends of our group! you're our glue, out stability! you two have to stay best friends, el. it ensures balance! and when the universe senses unbalance, vibrations lower and bad things happen!" max explains, sounding absolutely insane. she discovered the whole 'manifestation is key' lifestyle on one of those snapchat news outlets and has really ran with.

el exhaled deeply. "max, you've gotta stop with the law of attraction-zen-weird vibe-manifestion shit. it's not real!"

max gasped, "shh! the universe listens, don't make it mad."

"you're on crack," el heaved before trying to dismiss her friend for the second time, but this time she followed.

"no, i'm on the path of manifesting everything i could ever desire actually," she claimed with a know-it-all smirk.

"mh, and is lucas one of those desires? because he was last week, but the week before you wanted him to 'rot in the fieriest pits of hell' so.." she joked, returning the smirk.

max huffed. "that was a low blow, eleanor. i'll have you know, lucas and i are trying really hard to work on things," she justified, pushing her way past a slow hard of students.

"then, why can't mike and i 'work on things,' huh?" she returned as the two approached the exit, hoping to slip out of the school without any faculty noticing.

the crystal-eyed girl scowled, "what do that even mean? you're mike and el! what's there to work on? you two never fight, at least, not seriously. you can't even stay mad at each other longer than an hour."

"we aren't fighting! he's just been busy and so have i. it's not a big deal, maxine," she chose to use her full name, knowing it would annoy her.

a scoff fell from the girl's lips, "okay, fine! whatever it is, just talk about it to each other. it's so weird when you two aren't attached at the ass."

el laughed and nodded. "i'll get on that." she retrieved her car keys from her bag, casting her gaze towards the student lot. she noticed mike's grey jeep was still parked in the same spot as always, "okay, i think the guys are still in the school. i'm going to go ahead to benny's. are you waiting on lucas?"

max nodded, glancing back towards the doors of the school. "yeah, but you can go ahead and get us a table, okay?"

el only nodded and made her way into the lot, locating her black camry and swiftly getting in.

she finally drew in a deep breath and rested her head against her steering wheel. it seemed like no matter how hard she tried to forget about what transpired saturday night, the memories kept flashing in her mind.

the worst part was how she didn't mind it. the visual of his girthy dick pounding into her resurfaced her mind constantly, and while it was inconvenient at the time of her economics test, she'd be lying if she said it didn't present a tingle between her legs.

oh, she was so screwed. it's one thing to make that mistake, drunken or not, but it's another to keep thinking about.. to keep wanting it.

mike was her best friend, only her best friend. yet here she was, clenching her thighs together and warding off the tempting images of him magically appearing and fucking her in her backseat of her car in the student lot.

she groaned, picking her head up and shaking away the thoughts. max was right. she needed to get things back to the way things were. this was one fluke, and they had nearly a whole lifetime of friendship. she just had to let the thoughts pass and everything would be restored, ensuring the balance that the ginger rant so incessantly about.

she just had to not think about it.

a/n: a mileven-less and smut-less chapter. apologies my dudes, but i the plot has to develop a little more before the smut. she's coming tho, i swear lol. ok, thx for reading!! x

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