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"fuck me, mike."

that tiny sober, rational part of him from before was long gone because as soon as the words left her lips, his hands were pulling her top untucked from her skirt. upon pulling the white fabric over her head, his lips began trickling kisses across her chest.

once her shirt was tossed to the floor, her hands grasped the back of his head, tangling in his mess of curls and encouraging him. with a single hand, he unclasped her light pink bra and freed her breasts from their confinement.

he felt his boner grow even harder as soon as the two petite globes presented themselves in front of him. he looked up to meet her hooded gaze before connecting his mouth with one of her nipples, gently sucking on the pink peak.

she bit her lip, holding back the noises he was eliciting from her. his hands grasped her ass, squeezing her even closer before dragging his lips over to give her other breast the same, undivided attention.

"mike," she whined, too lost in the mix of alcohol and hormones to care that it was her best friend's name spilling from her breathless lips.

her hands clutched the sweater he adorned, desperate to rid him of it as quickly as possible. as soon it came off, she threw it behind them, relieved to find him just as shirtless as she.

her palms raked over his bare chest as she reconnected their swollen lips. she moaned into his mouth from the sensation their soft grinding brought and the way his hands felt caressing her smooth thighs.

"touch me," she murmured against his lips before descending to his neck.

his movements suddenly ceased. "fuck, this- this might not be a good idea."

his words caused her trail of wet kisses to come to a halt, and she pulled back to meet his eyes. even if she couldn't feel the massive boner beneath her, one look in those dark, aroused eyes and anyone could see he wanted this.

she deepened the thrust of her hips, earning another blatant groan from him. "i want you to fuck me, mike. mh, don't you want to fuck me?" she coaxed, curling one of his locks of hair around her dainty finger.

her words alone could've made he cum right then and there. he sighed, "i want to fuck you so bad, i just think-"

she shushed him with a scolding kiss, sinking her teeth into his bottom lip as she retreated. "stop thinking, uh?"

his eyes dilated with desire before he suddenly pushed her back, pressing her back against the sofa and crawling on top of her. "princess always gets what she wants, doesn't she?"

a grin swept over dazed face and she nodded enthusiastically before she reached for his belt, unbuckling it instantly. "i'm on the pill," she enlightened as the belt clacked on the floor, though he was actually well aware because she constantly complained about how annoying brith control was to take.

she lifted her hips and pulled her skirt down with his assistance, leaving her in a pair of navy lace panties. "so fucking hot," he griped at the sight of her tan, flat tummy and skimpy underwear.

she wasted no time responding to such a compliment as she was already unbuttoning his jeans to limit the fabrics that separated them. "take 'em off, baby," she whined, pushing the denim down.

mike chuckled at the nickname. "calling me 'baby' now?" he teased as he dropped the jeans to the ground. he started littering kisses all over her skin, between her breasts and to the top of her panties.

she smirked. "you don't like it?" her fingers threaded through his now very undefined curls as he bit down on her hip bone. "mh, you want me to call you daddy?" even in her drunken state, she caught the way his orbs darkened when the idea fell from her lips. "touch me, daddy," she pleaded, rubbing her thighs together in need.

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