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el's eyes fluttered open, snapping back shut instantly as the sunlight casting through the windows burned her sensitive eyes. a soft whine muffled in her throat and she reflexively grabbed the blanket covering her, trying to pull it over her face.

she huffed when the blanket not only refused to budge, but was pulled back from her. in her disoriented state, she couldn't think much of it.

once again, her sore eyes open and she was met with the sight of her best friend's basement. her face contorted as her head throbbed, verifying that she was hungover. she then noticed the large, empty vodka bottle on the coffee table that only further confirmed the cause of her headache.

the chief of police's daughter sighed softly, and tried to nudge herself further into the sofa. when a groan fell from a set of lips not belonging to her, she perked up.

she had tore herself out of her hungover haze and was now on high alert, realizing she wasn't alone. she finally glanced down see the quilt that always hung over the back of the basement's couch was covering her... and it was the only thing covering her.

her breath hitched and she made the brave decision to peak over her shoulder and face the freckled cheeks and parted lips that slept peacefully behind her. her doe-eyes widened at the sight of her unconscious best friend... that was cuddling her... naked.

she heaved a quiet, "oh, my god." she liked her lips, trying to relieve them of the dryness as her heart beat elevated. it wasn't hard to assume occurred to put them in such an intimate position.

she looked back to in front of her, this time noticing their various clothing items littering the floor in front of them.

her brows furrowed as bits and pieces of the previous night fought through her foggy memory.

"what are you doing?" he whispered, his breathlessness very evident.

she sucked in a harsh breath, remembering grinding herself on her best friend's lap.

she breathlessly pulled away from the heated embrace to put in one single whimpered request, "fuck me, mike."

her mouth fell open as her own words rang in her ear, making her stomach churn. she couldn't believe she had actually said that.

before her mind could resurface any more explicit memories, she felt the arm that was wound around her beneath the cover tighten as the boy stirred awake.

the whites of her eyes grew, realizing they were going to have to discuss what happened. there was no way out of it. she inhaled deeply before pushing the cover off of her, shocked of the sight of his hand draped so carelessly right beneath her breasts.

he looked up to meet her hooded gaze before connecting his mouth with one of her nipples, gently sucking on the pink peak.

she shook away the memory, and returned to the task at hand. she grasped his arm, moving it off of her bare torso and back to him. she released a slight sigh of relief when she was successful. she untwined their legs and pulled herself off the sofa, thankful he still hadn't woken up.

she flinched when her gaze landed on his resting cock, reminding her once again of their erotic night.

el eyed his thick cock, pining for it. "daddy, please," she begged, pulling him towards her and spreading her legs.

her eyes squeezed shut, mortified by the memory of her calling her best friend 'daddy.' if he remembers, there's no way she could possibly live it down.

she grimaced before grabbing the quilt, needing to cover him and all his glory before it broke back any more memories that would make her want to die. just as her hand lifted the fabric to hide his bare body, a part of dark chocolate eyes blinked open at her.

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