Chapter 25

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Eden POV

I was happy to see everyone but nervous at the same time. I haven't really talked to them the way I have with Tanner so we are out of sync.

I guess Tanner could read my nervousness and he comes over and whispers in my ear.

"It's just your family babe. They love you and only want what's best. You got this and if you start to feel uneasy let me know and I'll redirect questions."

I shook my head as an okay and whispered "I love you" to him.

I have a little surprise for him later just as a token of my love and appreciation for him.

We get through lunch without any real awkward moments to what I've been fearing the most the therapy session.

I've worked through my personal issues but now I have to face my family and Tanner and what parts of them pushed me over the edge. This is supposed to help get me past all the bad and push towards a new and improved life.

"Okay guys so over the past 6 weeks I've been here I have had to talk about my pain and what lead me to the self harm and the suicide. But my doctor wanted me to have you all here so I could break down in a controlled setting my issues with each one of you. Now I love you all and please don't feel like this is an attack it's something I need to do in order to graduate out of this program and start my new school."

I look nervously at everyone and they all shift uncomfortably in their seats even Tanner who was supposed to be my biggest supporter in all of this.

"After I get through what I don't like I will then tell you something I love and what you mean to me."

That seemed to ease the tension a bit.

"Daddy I love you I do but you're way too hard on us. It's bad enough being a cops kid but you go over the top. We can't have a social life outside of school everybody fears you. I know its your job to protect us but all it does is push us away. We should be able to come and talk to you about things but we can't. Not only am I a cops kid I'm the only girl. I need room to breathe and do things normal teenagers do. We mess up we get in trouble we learn from our mistakes. We want to love you and call you when we are in trouble not be terrified of you. It's why the 4 of us are so close we lean on one another and trust each other."

He stiffens and then relaxes a bit.

"Honey if you knew how bad things are out there you would understand."

"Daddy I do understand I'm not a little girl anymore. I am 3 weeks shy of being 17, halfway through my junior year of high school. I'm up to date on current events. I watch the news and have social media. I am well aware of the dangers out there. But I have been trained in self defense I know my way around a gun and grew up with brothers. I have street smarts and know where to avoid and how to sense trouble. You've taught us so many things to protect us when we aren't with you. Just because  growing up doesn't mean Ive forgotten the lifetime of lessons you have taught us."

I look to my mom and sigh.

"Mama you work with kids everyday and help them with their troubles. But at home with your own kids you turn a blind eye. You know daddy is hard on us and you ignore it. You are a good mom. So loving and compassionate but when trouble arises you turn into somebody I don't recognize and I don't understand."

She doesn't say anything just starts to silently cry.

"Grayson we have had our ups and downs. I can be the annoying little sister you don't want around or your best friend. I always know if I need help you are always there no matter what. You are just way too over protective almost as bad as dad. You decide who I can date, what I wear if I have too much make up on. The controlling big brother thing is out played. I love you and appreciate your looking out but I'm a big girl and if I need you I know exactly where I can find you."

He doesn't look me in the eyes he shifts his gaze to something on the wall and fidgits with his hands.

"Aiden we have been together since the womb and haven't lived separate lives since. I need to find out who I am apart from you and you need to do the same. We have spent so much time doing everything together we don't even have our own separate group of friends."

He just looks really sad and I can hear him sniffling and wipe at his eyes before looking away.

"Mason sweet baby brother. I adore you but you also put yourself in places you don't belong. You pry and eavesdrop on conversations not meant for you. You tend to hold that over our heads and blackmail us into doing what you want. I know why you do it and it's not my fault you're not old enough to go with us places yet. We had to wait to go with Gray. You're time will come Bubba just not yet."

He looks a little annoyed but okay.

"Tanner my love where do I start. You and I go back many years. We have seen each other through some of the worst moments in our lives and some of the best. I am so in love with you it's unreal. That being said before all of this we hit a rough patch. We weren't together yet but you said some things to deliberately hurt me. I know who you are Tanner Scott Holland and the guy you turned into wasn't you. You are better than that and you've proven that over the years and especially these past 2 months."

"Babe I. "

He couldn't finish his sentence he just looked down at the ground and went silent. He knew what I was talking about calling me a slut causing a scene in school. I forgave him though and we survived and pushed through and now happier than ever.

Tanner POV

I can't believe she brought that up and to make it worse in front of her parents.

I couldn't try and talk not with everybody else around we would talk about this tonight.

We were all starting to say our goodbyes when Eden pulled me aside.

"Can you stay a little longer I have a little something to show you."

"Uh yeah sure."

I was a bit nervous as to what I would find out but I trusted her.

She took hold of my hand and led me to a music room where a guy with a guitar was sitting.

"Tanner this is Jordan he's going to help me out with this a little bit. So you know I love you and our love is unconventional I wrote this for you. I hope you like it."

I knew she could sing but never knew she wrote her own songs until now and she did this for me. For us.

I let a few stray tears fall just in awe of how perfect she is and even through all her flaws I find more reasons to love and adore her.

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