Chapter 5

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Alex POV

I knew my wife intended to spank the kids herself this morning to note her displeasure with them.

Once I noticed she had finished I made my way downstairs and noticed Mason had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey bud, everything OK? You look a little upset." I walk in at sit down at his desk chair in front of him.

"Yeah it's just hard, Grayson is the strongest person I know and you can hear him crying all the way up here. Aiden usually replaces his pain with anger to stop himself from crying and that didn't work for him and you can't hit her anymore please."

It's funny how all 3 of my boys will do anything for their sister. She gets in trouble and all of them will willingly trade places with her. I know she's in good hands most of the time.

"Son listen your brothers and your sister messed up big time. There is no talking their way out of this. There is no excuse for what happened. They have no reason for it happening. Go wash your face and come downstairs we are having a family meeting." I rustle his hair get up and head down to my wife and older kids.

"I see you already gave them a nice warm up this morning." I say to Faith who is busy cleaning up the breakfast mess.

"Pull your pants up and come sit down at the table. Soon as Mason gets back down here I'm going to explain some things to you."

They immediately obeyed and quickly pulled their pants up and gently sat down wincing as their backside made contact with the wood chairs.

Just then Mason came down looking scared and sad. "Sit son, your not in trouble but this message goes for all of you."

Grayson POV

After mom finished spanking me it took a good five minutes for me to regain control of my emotions. It took dad another thirty minutes to come down and release us from where we stood naked from waist down.

Soon as he ordered us to pull our pants up I didn't hesitate I was relieved to finally be able to cover my junk out of line of site from my mom and sister.

I sat down and immediately regretted it hissing as I made contact with the chair. Before long dad started talking.

"Grayson I know you are well aware of what's at stake for you. You're a bright kid always have been. You're on your way to being valedictorian. I always encouraged you to follow your passions which is football has been since you were five years old. I also taught you that you have a brain and to use it to the best of your ability. It's great to have dreams and passions but football may not always be there. You could get hurt and realize it's gone one day. So to also take advantage of your brain and get an education as well. And you've done amazing and we've been so proud of you over the years. You have a full ride to several colleges on both academic and football scholarships. Do you understand had last night gone differently. Had I not got a call and found you and you drove home drunk and got in an accident you would've lost everything. There would be no college, no scholarships, no coming into your adult life outside of an orange jumpsuit. Son your so much smarter then this. Where was your head at Grayson. What provoked you to throw everything you've spent you're whole life for away in the matter of seconds?"

I couldn't hold back the tears. Everything my dad said was true and had nothing to say. "I'm sorry it was stupid. I was stupid. I'm held on this pedestal by everyone. Grayson Reid all star quarterback with 3 state championship rings. Grayson Reid prodigal son at home, Grayson Reid smartest kid in his class by a long shot. You don't know what it's like to live in my shoes. To please everyone every second of everyday. I have practice before and after school 5 days a week and Saturday morning practice, I have 4-5 hours of homework a night, I try to have some sort of a social life, I have to make sure the twins and Mason are on track with homework and fed and showers. I have all these people expecting everything out of me all of the time and I'm done. There was a party I for once needed to let loose relax be 17 for once. It's high school, my last year in it to be with my friends and I messed up. I turned my brain off for one night to be normal and we ended up here." By this point I was crying so hard I was having trouble breathing and trying to catch my breath.

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