Chapter 9

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Faith POV

I know my kids can be protective of one another, and the boys have been brought up to look after their sister. I never would have imagined one of them would snap at myself or their father.

Mason was doing what he's been taught to do,  protect his sister if he feels she needs protecting.

What do I do as mother? Let it slide, punish him myself before Alex gets ahold of him, or let Alex handle his outburst of rage his own way?

I heard the door open as all four of my kids slowly make their way back in. They all seem to be as good as they can be under the circumstances.

Eden closed the door behind her and waited for further instructions from her father.

Before Alex could even speak I decided it was now or never for Mason.

"Eden,  go ahead and sit down for a minute. Mason, now I am a bit torn on your disrespect towards your father. On one hand you did it out of love for your sister and doing what we have instilled in all of you boys your whole lives. On the other hand Mason you don't speak to your father like that. He's not harming her, she screwed up she knows that you know that and bad choices have consequences. So before I make my decision on if I'm going to deal with you or let your father handle it do you care to explain?"

I was watching him closely, Mason may be smart and sneaky and able to get out of a lot, but he has a horrible poker face and has some major tales when he's lying or hiding something.

Mason POV

How do I bull shit my way out of this one without getting Eden involved and still manage to have mom do it over dad. Fuck my life how did one stupid party turn this entire house into the biggest shit show of the year. Screw the year the century.

I looked nervously to Eden and read her pleading eyes. Took a deep breath and started my bull shit rambling.

"It's been a long 24 hours, between what you already gave them, the guilt trip, the other non physical punishments and in her case knowing she turned somebody's life upside down in terms of years of friendship destroyed she's had enough. She's not like Mr big shot Grayson who is always stoic, never shows pain or emotion always put together. She's not Aiden who wears his emotions and feelings, one look and you know exactly how he is. She's not me who makes jokes and sarcastic to deal with worst possible situations. We were taught to look after her and protect her at all cost. To stand up and fight for what we believe in. I'm nowhere close to being in the amount of trouble they are,  they may be scared of you right now and not want to risk and further trouble. But I can, I can stand up for her and still not come close to where they all are on the punishment scale."

I glance behind me and see Gray shaking his head like I just made a dumb move, Aiden giving me a what the fuck look and Eden staring at the floor.

I was brought back when my mom cleared her throat to talk.

"son we don't need you to protect her from us. We are not out to harm any of you, but to keep you safe. There is something you're not saying and that's OK. Not going to force it out of you, I do however expect you to sit here with your mouth closed for the remainder of these punishments before your dad gets to yours."

Fuck Fuck Fuck

My heart dropped when she said that. I started to panic and mumbled an almost inaudible "you don't understand"

But I said it just loud enough for mom to hear.

"What don't I understand? Whatever this thing is between you and your sister I suggest you fix it. I'm not asking you to betray trust or break any bonds but your ass is on the line Mason Gabriel so figure it out."

I shot Eden a what the hell am I supposed to do now look. Before I knew what was happening she stood up and started talking.

Eden POV

I can't let Mason get in serious trouble in account of me and my secret. Aiden and Gray will kill me later but Mason shouldn't be responsible for me and my choices in life.

"It's not his fault. He uh, well like all my brothers he knows me almost too well. He knows when I'm being too vague or trying to hide something. He overheard some of the conversations I had with Gray and Aiden earlier today,  he knew something was off. He walked in on me trying to cope with all of this. He asked how long I've been self harming and that he thought we got past all of this. He knows I'm cutting again and after what happened last time he is scared all of this will push me over the edge. You taught him to protect me. Its not dad he's trying to protect me from its myself. I don't have to tell any of you that last time I was self harming and let it get so bad and out of control that I almost died. He can't and won't see me laid up in a hospital bed with tubes everywhere and on life support. He reacted to save me from me."

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