Cat Cafe

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Katsuki's POV
     I slowly opened my eyes looking around my room. Was that all a dream? I hope so... Wait. This isn't my room! I looked around the room. Everything was white other than the medical posters on the walls. I came to the conclusion that I was in the hospital. But, does that mean that Deku's really dead. If so, why am I in the hospital?
   After a few minutes a nurse came into the room looking at a clipboard. She was startled to find me awake. "I'm glad your okay. The doctors were able to stop all of the bleeding and you got away with minimal scarring."
  " What are you talking about? Scarring? Where's deku?" I demanded. "Oh, you don't remember? You ran into a burning building and a piece of metal fell on you. The hero's had knocked you out before,since you were struggling, but afterwards the whole house collapsed. It hit you on your back,so I suggest to stay put until you're told you can leave."
"Where's De-I mean Izuku!? Is he okay?" I said frantically trying to get up only to fall back on the bed when a sharp pain went up my back.
" Hey, I told you to stay put! And uh well, I don't know how to tell you this. We found Inko Midoriya's body burnt to a crisp. However we couldn't find Izuku's body. We think it was burnt to ash. I'm truly sorry for your loss." She said looking at me with pity. I felt sick. This can't be happening.... why him? Recapping over what she said,she left out one detail.
"What about Hizashi Midoriya's body?" I asked. " Huh? What do you mean? Hizashi Midoriya's body wasn't found. However we are searching for him, we think he is the culprit..."
"Wait... He wasn't there? When I ran in his body was laying halfway through the wall."
The nurses eyes flashed with fear as she said, " wait here. You'll have to tell that to the detective." With that she ran out of the room.
    Izuku's POV
      I ran down the street until I found a cheap looking motel. It was two stories tall and the metal stairs and walkway outside were covered in rust, making them look like they could collapse at any moment. Ignoring the exterior, I walked inside and was greeted by a tired looking woman. She looked like she was in her mid 40's. "Hello young man, how can I help you tonight?" She asked. " I'd like a room." I said" How much does it cost?" She looked shocked. I'm guessing it was because of my age. "A room is $60 a night, but I can cut you a deal for $30 a night." "Alright thanks!" I said while giving her 30$. She took the money and handed me 2 cards. "The first card is for your room, room 36 on the second floor. The second is for the ice machine... Have a good night, and feel free to ask me any questions you have!"
When I got to my room it wasn't as bad as I expected. I was expecting a small room with a bug infested bed, but surprisingly the room was quite big and the bed looked clean. I threw my bag on the floor and flopped onto the bed. I instantly passed out from exhaustion.
     I was awoken the next morning by a sharp pain in my head. I'm guessing it's because I haven't eaten in a while. I got out of the bed and rummaged through my backpack. I quickly found the stack of cash I had stolen from my father.
     I counted it and in all I have about $600. That will last me about two weeks counting food. I'm going to have to find a job, or I can just steal it. It would be pretty easy, but I don't like stealing from people who might need it. I'll figure it out later, first I need to find a place where I can get some food.
     I walked out of the motel waving to the lady, who's name I learned was Debby. ( I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything...) I walked down the street until I saw a cute looking cafe. Walking inside I instantly fell over and died from cuteness. *Present Mic Voice* K.O.
After a few minutes I got up and recovered from my sudden heart attack. Looking around I saw so many adorable cats...
( Ohmygosh! Ijustwantacatsobad,theyresocuteijustwantto
cuddlethemsomuch.theyresoadorablebsndjdnskshssossjsjsvsssbsh......ahem sorry about that, I just love cats so much, but I don't have any because I'm allergic to them....😭)
In the corner I saw a scruffy looking old guy with black hair. He had a cat on his head and in his weird looking scarf. On the other side of the table I saw a a purple haired boy that looked equally as sleep deprived as the other. He had few cats at his feet and one on his lap.
It was really weird the two sleep deprived males were thinking the same thing and were oddly in sync. 'Cute cute cute cute cute cute!' I'm guessing they're father and son.
I walked to the counter and observed the menu. They had an assortment of crepes and coffees. Before I could order the girl behind the counter looked at me and started screaming. "Oh my god! You're so cute and handsome! Please please you have to work here, you'll draw in so many customers! Please I'm begging you please work here!" She screamed while bowing.
By now everyone in the cafes attention was on us, meaning the two guys in the back.
The girl and I along with the two in the back were silent. I didn't know what I was supposed to say, this girl I had never met before, had just started screaming at me. So, I did the only logical thing to do, I said, " s-sure?..." With that the girl started screaming again for her manger.....
I'm so so so sorry that this chapter took so long to write. My birthday is on Friday, ( The 7th) and my mom is letting me order some stuff. I've been trying to find the best price, so I don't waste her money. I'm mostly buying cosplay stuff. I'm getting 3 wigs, a Todoroki, Deku , and Uraraka wig. I'm also getting green and brown contacts.
I don't know if anyone cares about that, I just wanted to let you know. Also if you want to see pictures I might include them, but just so you know they will take a long time to get to me.
I feel like I also owe an explanation for the other few weeks of absence. I haven't really been doing that great mentally and haven't been motivated to write. Ill hopefully have time to write on Friday since I have to go to the doctors. Again, I apologize for my absence and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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