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Class 1A gathered at the entrance of the USJ.
"Welcome to the USJ, short for the Unforeseen Stimulation Joint. While you're here you'll be separated into groups and put into an area that will stimulate a certain climate or situation." Thirteen explained.
Picking up where the space hero had left off, Eraserhead started calling out the teams. No one was listening though, instead everyone's attention was focused on the purple mist that was gathering in the plaza. "Woah they even have fake villains, cool.." Kirishima said in awe. The students continued to whisper amongst each other until they were interrupted by their teacher. "Hey! Are you guys even paying attention? If you don't think this is important then I'll just expel all of you!" He threatened.
The class was quiet until Izuku nonchalantly said, "Mr.Aizawa there are villains in the plaza." The tired hero looked dumbfounded until he turned around to see a warp gate opening. "Can I take care of them?" Izuku asked.
"What?! No! Thirteen, protect the students. I'll try to fight them off. Call for backup." Aizawa commanded and jumped over the railing into the plaza. He put his goggles on and started reprimanding as many villains as he could.
     While Aizawa was fighting the villains Thirteen started formulating a plan to get help. Yaoyorozu created a radio transmitter, but the signal was blocked. "Calm down children. We're not going to hurt you unless you resist." A voice calmly said behind them. Thirteen whipped around and warned, "Stay away villain, or I'll be forced to use my quirk!"
     "As I said before,"The man said, "We're not here for you, we came for the Symbol of Peace."  Suddenly a dark mist enveloped them and all the students were scatter into the different zones.

Izuku's POV
     After the mist cleared I found myself in a body of water. I looked down and saw a few villains, one that stood out was a guy with some type of shark quirk. While I was deep in thought I felt myself being lifted out of the water, and soon I was being flung towards a boat. Instead of stopping myself, I just let myself hit the deck.
     "Are you okay Midoriya-Kun? Sorry if I hurt you, you were just kind sitting in the water." Tsu said. You would think that someone who constantly wants you to call them a different name would remember to do the same.
     "I'm fine Tsu, and please call me Izuku." I reminded. I felt something latch onto my leg. I looked down and saw Mineta crying. He was thinking about touching me somewhere, but I don't know what he was meaning. He said something about my ass, but I don't have a donkey..
     "We're all gonna die!!! Izuku save me!!" He panicked.
     "Calm down. We're not going to die, Kero." Tsu said.
     "We could!!! We're on a boat surrounded my villains!! Why god!!! I've never even touched boobies before!!!" Mineta replied, before sinking to the ground and starting to cry.
     I shook my head and went to the side of the boat. I created a spiral of wind in the air. I directed the spiral into the water. It started to quickly spin, causing the villains to be pulled underwater. I picked us all up with telekinesis and flew to the plaza.
I was shocked with what I saw. Aizawa was being held on the ground by a giant creature. There was blood dripping from his head and the skin on his elbow seemed to be gone. I'm guessing one of the villains has a disintegration quirk. After looking through the crowd I saw a box over the villain that I suspected was the leader. It read:
                            Tenko Shimura
Alias: Tomura Shigaraki
Quirk: Disintegration ________________________________
     The three of us hid behind a big rock and formed a plan. "Mineta, shut up already." I commanded, "Once I say so, grab Aizawa Sensei and get to the entrance."
     "But Mi-Izuku, can't you just teleport us kero?" Tsu asked, sticking her tongue out.
     "I could, but I have a feeling I might need my stamina to fight all of them." I replied.
     "No Izuku! You cant fight them all, if you die then who's gonna be my future wife?!" Mineta yelled. I slapped my hand over his mouth but it was too late. I could already hear one of the villains coming towards us. I jumped over the rock and charged towards the creature. As soon as I got him away from Aizawa I yelled, "Now!"
     While I fended off the creature, Mineta and Tsu carried Aizawa to the front gate. I tried reading the creatures mind, but I could hardly hear anything. I could feel sadness and uncertainty radiating from it though.
     'Poor thing, it was probably made from the mixture of multiple humans' I thought, giving it a look of pity. "Nomu! Come here!" A man with hands covering his body yelled. 'Does he have a hand kink or something..?' (There are a few more things I want to say in this chapter, but I'm not sure if Izuku would even know what a kink is.)
     The thing the man called 'Nomu' returned to his side. "Why are you here?" I asked. I already knew, but it's funny watching villains give monologues.
     "We're here to kill the Symbol of Peace, but it seems he isn't here. That won't stop us though!" The man said, smirking. "I'm sure if we kill a few of his students he'll show up!!!" He finished, flashing a crazed grin.
     "Yes, that would make sense. But seeing as there's no way for us to communicate with the world outside, you guys could slaughter all of us and no one would know until we turn up missing." I corrected, giving him a small smile.
     He obviously got angry after being corrected because he ripped the hand off his face and threw it on the floor. Geez, this guy is acting like a kid having a temper tantrum..
     "I bet you think you're being funny, huh?!" He said, more as a rhetorical question, rather than an actual one. Nevertheless, I answered without hesitation, "Yeah, I do."
     This didn't help the situation. "Nomu kill him!!" He yelled with blood lust in his eyes. Without a second thought the Nomu charged towards me. I could hear some of my classmates behind me yelling about me dying or something, so I turned my head towards them.               
     When the Nomu got closer I whipped my head around and grabbed his fist. It wasn't really grabbing, since it's hand was about 5 times larger than mine. He stopped, but was trying to resist, so I used wind to hold him in place.
     "Are you okay?" I asked it. It didn't answer, not that I expected it to. It mostly likely doesn't understand me, but I'll try since I don't want to hurt it. "I'm sorry if this is hurting you. I know you probably can't even think for yourself, so it isn't your fault." I said. It gave me a weird look and started to make a yelling noise.
     "What are you waiting for?! Kill him!!" Handyman yelled. I focused my attention on the Nomu again. Once he calmed down I stopped the wind and he cautiously stepped towards me, before plopping down on the pavement.
     I smiled at him, "Will you stay here for a few minutes?" I asked him. After a few moments he nodded his head, so I walked past him towards the large group of villains. The one that I'm guessing was the ring leader looked confused.
     "How the hell did you do that?!" He yelled. "Why does it matter, are you too scared to fight me or something?" I asked. His face turned red and he sprinted towards me, reaching his hand out. I lifted him into the air, along with a few of the other villains. I knocked the rest out of them out. I was wrong this hasn't taken any stamina. Wow these guys are terrible villains..
I created a long piece of cloth, similar to Eraserhead's and wrapped is around them. Just then there was a boom and the door to the building flew in, soon hero's were piling in. "Do not fear, for I AM HERE!!" All Might yelled obnoxiously.
'Is this guy serious?' I asked myself. Whenever Allmight looked around all the villains were knocked out except for a few. "Uhhh... okay then...." he said, before putting his hand on his hips and heroically yelling, "Let's take the villains to jail!!"
He rushed to my side and I gave him a face of stone. I wasn't going to give him any satisfaction. He cant seriously think that he's actually even helping us.

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