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Eraserhead POV
I didn't know what to think when I saw Midnight and Kamui woods running over to me and the other hero's. I was even more shocked when I saw Bunny on Kamui's back.
" What the hell is going on here?!" I yelled.
" He got shot!" Midnight exclaimed.
" Yeah I can see that! How did he get shot!"
" This villain came up behind us and started to shoot at us, but Bunny pushed us out of the way." Kamui Woods explained.

' I have no idea why Bunny would do that. He or she, I have no idea, literally ripped a guy in half. Why would they protect Midnight and Kamui woods?'
" Okay lets get Bunny to the medics outside, then we ca-"
"Wait",Bunny interrupted, " let me go with you. You'll need my help."
" No way. We need to get those bullets out of you before you get infected" I argued.
" Fine, but be careful those red guns the villains are carrying have bullets that temporarily remove your quirk."
'What the- how did they even make those. Wait does that mean he doesn't have his quirk? Maybe we can finally catch him.'

The rest of the hero's and I continue to go further into the base as Kamui takes Bunny to the medics.

*Four hours later *
Izuku's POV
    I woke up in a hospital bed, my head pounding. Thankfully my mask was still on. They probably tried to take it off, but couldn't figure out how. I'm glad I installed the fingerprint scanner. I don't know what I would've done if they had found out who I was.
      My head snapped towards the door when I heard the snap of the door opening. A nurse walked in reading something in a folder. ( Is it just me or does everything I'm writing sound weird?)
     She continued to read until I cleared my throat. Her head flew up with wide eyes. "You're awake! I wasn't expecting you to wake up so early. How are you feeling" she asked, putting her folder down.
" I'm fine, what time is it?" I ask.
" It's 5:12 AM," She said, checking her watch, " Are you hurting anywhere?"
"My head hurts and I'm aching a little bit" She pulled a thermometer out of the cabinet  and pulled it across my forehead.
"Hmm you have a fever", she turned the thermometer towards me. It read 101 degrees Fahrenheit( 38 degrees Celsius), "A few hero's are going to drop by around ten. Try and get some rest. I'll come check on you in about an hour." She walked towards the door and before she left she jokingly said, " Don't go anywhere."
     I tried to relax, but the hospital bed wasn't very comfortable and I had a worry slowly creeping to the front of my mind. Are the Hero's okay? After a few minutes I succumbed  to sleep.
* 6 hours later*
"-zu just texted me. He's coming here in a few hours." A voice said. I recognized it, but couldn't put my finger on it. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids felt heavy. I must've slept for a few hours since the hero's are already here.
I finally got enough strength to force my eyes open. Eraserhead was sitting on a couch in the corner of the room, along with Present mic. Midnight and Recovery girl were standing on the other side of the room. Looking at Eraser head and the others I could tell they hadn't slept, probably because they were worrying about me.
'If you weren't here they wouldn't have to worry about you.' I thought to myself. I opened my mouth to get their attention but no sound came out.
I should've known. Since my mothers death it's been hard for me to talk to people. It's easier when I'm doing vigilante work because I have a mask on and can usually beat villains easily, but now I'm vulnerable. Even though I have my mask on, my body isn't in a state for fighting. A low rank hero could probably defeat me. I slowly gathered the courage to speak and tried to stop panicking from setting in.
I could hear my heart pounding in my ears and it started to get harder to breathe. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out trying to calm my heart. When I opened my eyes all four hero's were looking at me.
"Finally you're awake. We've been here for an hour," Eraserhead said, "why would you do that? Are you okay?"
I opened my mouth failing to speak again. All I could manage was a shaky " mhm."
" You foolish boy, are you alright? Take this mask off, it's probably hard to breathe in!" Recovery girl yelled. I shook my head no, letting her know that I wasn't going to take my mask off voluntarily. She gave me a stern face and sighed. " I guess it can't be helped, but you're going to have to take that mask off sooner or later. You won't be going anywhere any time soon." She motioned to the rails of the hospital bed. I looked down to see cuffs which I assumed are quirk cancelling.
The other hero's continued to fuss at me until a doctor walked in. He looked at me and smiled. " Youre lucky you got here when you did. If you had gotten here any later you would most likely be dead from either blood loss or infection." He said. " Take your shirt off and please take that mask off too."
I pulled my shirt off and looked down. There were multiple gunshot wounds. Me being curious, I poked one and holy crap it hurt. I sucked in my breath and let out a whimper.

      Recovery girl ran over and slapped me on the head. " You Idiot boy, how dumb do you have to be to do that!!" She yelled, you could practically see the steam pouring out of her ears.
     " sorry..." I muttered putting my head down.
     ' God, you're so stupid' I heard something say in my head. Why am I thinking these things? This voice is getting really annoying... I was snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor  handed me a cup of water and a few pills. " Here take these, they'll help with the pain." 
      I brought the cup to my mouth, but hesitated. It smelled odd......

  'Whatever' I thought as I threw all the pills in my mouth and gulped down the water. " Hope there weren't any drugs in that water... " I said jokingly.
      " There were..." The doctor said with a straight face" I laughed a little until I saw that they looked serious.
   " Wait, What?"

         I finally got this done!! Yay! I had about half of this chapter done and then I wasn't motivated to write anything, or frankly do anything. I've just been laying around doing nothing, but finally today, after my little sister poured a bucket of cold water on me, I wanted to finish this.
      Then I realized that Wattpad was offloaded, so I couldn't write anything. I then had to delete all my apps and redownload it since I didn't have any space on my phone. Does anyone's 'system' take up 22 gb's? Or is that just me....

      Now that I'm done ranting, I'm so sorry I haven't updated I'm going to try to finish another chapter today, but I probably won't. Thank you for all the nice comments on the last chapter, bye!!

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