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"What does it matter, just let me jump."They said softly
     "why would you want to do that?" I asked. Why would someone so happy want to do that..?
" Because, I'm worthless anyway."
Soon enough my shock turned to anger. " How could you even say something like that?!" I exclaimed. He looked surprised that I yelled, since I usually don't have enough energy.
     " Since you came into my life, I've had something to look forward to. Even if I don't know who you really are, I'll always care about you, so don't you dare ever say that you're worthless!" I finished, pulling him into a hug.
     I felt tears starting to soak my shoulder, so I pulled his cuffed hands over my neck and picked him up, before I ran off to my apartment.
       Once I had gotten to the building I quickly unlocked the door before throwing the keys onto the counter. I heard little feet hitting the floor. Soon enough 2 fluffy cats emerged from the hallway. They both rubbed against my legs, but I gently pushed them away as I carried the boy into my room and placed him on the on the bed.
     Midnight, a black Maine coon jumped onto the bed and started sniffing of him, before curling up next to his head. I pulled the covers over him and left the room, leaving the door slightly open.
I walked into the kitchen, before calling nezu.
" Hello Shouta, did you finally capture 'Bunny'?" A kawaii voice predicted on the other line. ( I love Nezu, he's so kawaii🥰)

" Hey Nezu, and yeah I did. He-" I said ignoring the prediction, before being cut off.
" ahh, let me guess you found him trying to commit suicide, and now he's at your apartment..?" Nezu guessed
" How did you-"
" You can tell by the way he acts. When I reviewed security tapes, he always seemed very cautious, like he was scared something was going to grab him. This leads me to believe he had a troubled childhood, which lead him to try and commit suicide. Stay where you are I'm coming over." The mouse said before hanging up.
3rd POV
Shouta sighed, pulling the phone away from his ear and laying it on the table. A few seconds later he heard a knock at the door, and looked through the peephole, only to see nothing. He tensed up for a second before he realized it was Nezu.
He opened the door an said, " come on in."
"Where is he?" Nezu asked while smiling.
     "He's asleep in my room." Aizawa replied while sitting down at the small kitchen table, Nezu followed and stood in the chair across from him.
      They sat (and stood) in silence for a few moments before Shota spoke up and asked, "Why did you want to come here anyway?"
    Nezu was waiting for him to ask that.

   "Well, a lot of the hero's were intrigued by him when they met him. I was as well. I've seen great potential in him, so I'd like him to become a student at UA!" He exclaimed, obviously excited by how much potential the boy showed.

   " wait, what! We can't do that. We don't even know how old this boy is, he could be 10 for all we know!" Shouta yelled.
" He's not, he's actually 14!" Nezu said, still using his excited voice, " and before you ask, I know that, because when I first saw the file for him I did some research. His name is Izuku Midoriya. Both of his parents were killed in a mysterious house fire. Midoriya was supposedly killed as well, but he somehow survived and escaped unnoticed."

  " Okay....," the tired male suspiciously said, " But how did you link 'Bunny' and this Midoriya kid"

     " Oh, well when Bunny helped you and the other hero's during the raid and got put into the hospital, I took some of his hair." Nezu said, like it was obvious.
     " oh, um okay...then"

•In the morning•
Izuku's POV
     After a few minutes of rolling around in this random bed, I finally got up, knowing I wasn't going to be able to sleep anymore. I walked down a narrow hallway and into a small kitchen. Sitting at the table was Eraserhead, my favorite hero.
      I stood there in shock, before I remembered the events from last night. I started to feel embarrassed, I have no idea why though. I reach up to cover my face with my hands, before realizing I still had cuffs on.
     The rattling noise alerted Eraserhead,and he looked up. I slowly put one foot behind the other. Once he stood up I turned around and booked it to the room I woke up in. I got to the end of the hallway, before a scarf tightly wrapped around me and pulled me back into the kitchen.
" Where are you going?" Eraserhead asked. I kept my head down and mumbled, "I don't know..."
Suddenly I felt warm arms envelope me. "Why are you shaking?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, not trusting my voice.
     He let go of me and motioned for me to sit down, as he walked towards the fridge. " what do want to eat?" Eraserhead asked. " I-I'm not hungry." I stuttered.
        I didn't want him to waste food on me, even though I was hungry. He sighed, and replied, "Waffles it is." I looked over at him before saying, " but Eraserhead I-".
       " I don't care your going to eat," he looked at me with a stern expression, "and call me Aizawa."
       " um, okay.."I replied we sat in an awkward silence, while Aizawa waited by the toaster. I could tell he wanted to talk about last night, but I don't, so I'm not gonna bring it up.
     I jumped when I head a ding, signaling that the waffles were done. He put them on a plate and slid it in front of me. " Syrup?" Aizawa asked, turning around and rummaging in a drawer.
     " no thank you." I said, picking up the knife and fork. I slowly ate the waffles, they weren't bad, but they also weren't good.
     I noticed that he gave me a dull plastic knife, instead of one of the many butter knives in the drawer. Yeah, he was definitely thinking about last night.

I'm so glad I finished this chapter, however I wish I made them longer. I always make them at least 1000 words, but I still feel like it's too short. Also, if you guys have any ideas for the upcoming chapters, or scenarios you want just comment them, and I'll make it happen.

@DragonessRider5 commented Dabi x Deku x Toga, which gave me the idea of putting Dabi, Toga, and Shigaraki into a villain rehab program. I know shigaraki usually isn't in those types of stories, but I ship Shigadeku, so I'm gonna add him in too if you guys want me to add this into the story.
It will still be Dekubowl with all the other characters too. So, do you want me to add this in, or just leave them out??
     Also I'm gonna start putting pictures at the end if I remember. I love the last one.

 I love the last one

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