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Getting out of the car, I was surprised at how big UA was in person. I was in awe until Aizawa shooed me along. We had to fight our way through all the other students. School started a week ago, so everyone should be acquainted already.
We walked through the halls until we reached a door with two handles, one near the ground and another in the middle. This must be Nezu's office.
Aizawa knocked and after a few moments the door opened. Nezu was on the other side.
" Hello Shouta, Hello Midoriya!" He said. I stilled at the mention of my family name. He must've noticed, as he corrected himself, " I can call you Izuku if you want?" I nodded and we walked into the office. Nezu walked to a small table, while me and Aizawa sat down on the two chairs in front of the desk.
" Tea?" Nezu offered.
"no thank you.." I answered. Aizawa shook his head no. Nezu walked to the other side of the desk and sat down. " Alright, lets get started!" He exclaimed, " I want to offer you a spot in UA's Hero course!"

A few second went by before I said, " But, I'm a vigilante. I've broken the law multiple times. I've killed people." All he did was smile.
" I know, but I think you would be an outstanding hero. I've seen great potential in you. I know you're a good person too." Nezu replied.
" oh, um okay...." I said, still trying to process this. The principal of my dream school just invited me to study there and become a hero...
"I'd also like to make you my private student!" At that I died.... well not really, but it felt like it!
All I could do is nod my head. He smiled at me and said, " We do still need to do a few tests however, so follow me!" He said, opening the door and walking down the hall. Aizawa and I followed.
We walked through a large door leading into a gymnasium.
"First we'll do a few tests using your quirk, and then we'll do some without it." Nezu explained. I nodded my head, while I followed him to a ladder.
"Why is there a ladder?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the side.
"Your first test will be up there. You have to complete half of the obstacle course with your quirk and half of it without it."
"Okay..." I said softly, now noticing how many people were watching. "I can use my quirk in anyway, right?"I asked.
" Of course!" Nezu replies.
"How do I know when I'm halfway done?"
" Ah! That big red line lets you know you've made it half way through the course!"He answered, pointing to a red line dividing the whole gym. "Also, there's a box up there that contains a quirk cancelling bracelet. I had it specially made so it doesn't affect your performance!" He continued, " Anymore questions?"
(I had such a hard time spelling performance, I kept on putting preformance....🤦‍♀️)

I shook my head and went up the ladder. I was 5 feet up when I got annoyed and just teleported to the top. I was on a small platform that was at least 20 feet from the ground, so if I fell, which wouldn't happen, I would probably break a bone or two.
I heard people whispering and that made me start fidgeting. 'I really wish there weren't tons of people......' I thought unintentionally pouting a bit.

( This is just what I'm doing, Minus the pouting, I'm not that cute.... Just kidding I'm not cute at all:(. Oh! That reminds me a few days ago I also had an anxiety attack, because I was scared my dad was going to ask me if I wanted food, so that's great...)

I'm guessing principal Nezu wants me to showcase all the different aspects of my quirk, so I'm not just gonna teleport to the end.

I started levitating and flew till I got to the red line, which only took about 4 seconds, because I was taking my time.
I put the bracelet on and with a click I was stuck with it on. It was kinda like handcuffs, but it was only for one hand. It also looked kinda like an anklet for people on house arrest, that's unsettling. I wonder if the support department used that as a part....
Before I knew it my name was being called.
" Izuku? Izuku!" Nezu called. My face flushed a bright red as I realized I had been mumbling. I muttered out a quick, " s-sorry.."
I could tell this part of the course was made to be significantly harder. There were a few hanging boards that I needed the get across. They were pretty easy since all I had to do is focus all my weight in the middle.
     Next was a long rope connecting the two platforms. I looked down to check the strength of the rope. The rope was frayed right next to the knot, so I can't spend more than a few seconds on it. Finally coming up with a plan I leap to the middle of the rope, and dive to the other platform.
Once I made it to the platform I sped through the rest of the obstacle course. After a few seconds of catching my breath I made my way down the ladder. " Great job, Izuku!" Nezu calls, "I'll take the bracelet off when you're done with the next test."
I nod my head and follow Nezu outside to a track. "You'll be doing an endurance test. Run laps for as long as you can." He explains.
" Okay.." I replied, before I stood at the starting line. "Go!" Nezu yelled, scaring me a little at first. I started jogging and after a few minutes I completely forgot my legs were moving.
     'I wonder if these tests are determining whether I'll go to UA, or be Nezu's student...?
I wonder if Kacchan will be there?! I don't even know if that would be a good thing or a bad thing, I'm pretty sure he hates me.' I think. My mind wondered to the time he told me to kill myself. "No, he definitely hates me."

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