Seriously, Again

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     It had been a few days since Nezu accepted me as his private student and currently I'm walking to the store to get some ingredients. Sure, I could just teleport there and steal anything I wanted, but I wanted to enjoy the fresh air.
     I just wish I could somehow stop my quirk from hearing everyone's thoughts. It really doesn't make me want to save these people. Just as I thought that I overheard a couple girls talking.
     "Wow! That bow looks so cute on you" One girl said.
     " Thanks!" The other replied smiling.
     This may look like a friendly conversation, but what they were thinking was, ' Ewww green is not her color' and 'Ehh don't try and copy me.'
     I stopped focusing on the girls and made my way to the convenience store. Halfway there however I started hearing yelling and explosions going off. They kinda remind me of Kacchan..... maybe I should go check it out.
     As the explosions grew louder, I noticed a big group of people standing in the street and a few news reporters. After a few moments I gathered enough courage to talk to someone. "What is everyone looking at?" I asked a middle aged man quietly.
     "Some villain is holding this kid hostage!" He answered. I nodded and started to weave through the crowd, not liking how many people were touching me. I got yelled at occasionally, which scared me, but I eventually made it to the front of the crowd.
     "Kacchan..?" I muttered out, before looking around. There are multiple hero's here, why aren't they saving him!
     " My quirk isn't suited for this!" Death arms yelled nervously. I could see the sweat rolling down his neck. 'There's no way I'm risking my life to save this kid!' He thought.
     That made me angry. 'What kind of hero thinks like that?!' Is no one going to save Kacchan..? I looked around.
     'Poor kid, he's done for.' 'I'm only doing this for the fame, there's no way I'm gonna die for that kid!' 'I'm out of time for today! I can't do anything.' That thought stood out as I searched the crowd for All Might. I saw him standing at the side, in his weak form. That only confirmed my hatred for him. He's the number one hero, always talking about doing the right thing, but he's just a hypocrite!
     I looked at Kacchan and we locked eyes. He looked so scared. 'I have to help him!' I thought . I turned invisible for a few seconds and pulled my hood up. I rummaged through my backpack and found my mask. After slipping it on, I jumped over the police tape and ran toward the sludge villain.
I used telekinesis to lift him high in the air, making Kacchan fall out into my arms. He passed out a few seconds later. I lifted him in the air as well and sat him on the stretcher, so he could get medical attention.
Even though Kacchan was safe I decided to teach this villain a lesson. "No one messes with my Kacchan and gets away with it." I thought. I used telekinesis in the one part of his body with nerves, his eyes. He screamed out in agony when I pulled one of his eyes in the opposite direction. The hero's around looked towards me and started to run over, so I brought him down to my level and jabbed him in the eye with my finger. He started screaming again, so I stuffed him into a soda bottle.
I sat the bottle down just as Kamui woods grabbed my arms to apprehend me. 'How stupid are these hero's?' I asked myself.
"Bunny, stop! Stay where you are!" Kamui yelled. I rolled my eyes behind my mask. "No thanks, I've got things to do! Bye." I said , and teleported into my apartment. That was a lie. I have nothing to do, but I'd rather be bored than be lectured by the hero's. Especially All Might.
After a few minutes of staring off into space I realized I had forgotten to go to the store. "Ugh, whatever I wanna eat cake now anyway." I muttered, disappointed that I couldn't make katsudon. I pulled a chair towards the cupboards and climbed on top of it. Even then I could hardly reach the cake mix at the top shelf. 'I hate being short!' I thought. o(`ω' )o
After about 30 minutes the oven timer went off. I got up off my bed and ran over to the oven, grabbing the pan without putting the oven mitt on. It didn't really burn like it should've.
'After what father did to me I got used to the pain. Him and Kacchan must've damaged my pain receptors. Not that that's a bad thing. Now I'll be able to be a better hero, since I won't be held back by pain!:)'I thought, still holding the hot pan.
I dropped it on the counter top and waited for it to cool. After a few minutes I slapped some icing on it and took a big bite out of it, not caring enough to cut it. I just wanted to eat cake.
I sat around for a few more hours, reading about the sludge incident. 'Can you believe it they called me a villain!' My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling. "Ugh I really want katsudon now. I guess I'll just go to the store.I hope they're open, it's almost 11 'O' clock."
Once the cashier scanned my items I walked down the street and ducked into an alleyway. The cashier had made some weird comments and gave me a piece of paper with random numbers on it, weird..
     After walking for a bit I heard a faint whimper. "Is someone there?" I asked.
     "H-help me, please..." A voice said. After a few moments of searching I saw a girl slumped beside a dumpster. "What happened? Can you stand?" I asked worriedly, "Hold on I'll get you to the hospital."
     The girl had blonde hair styled into two buns. She had yellow eyes and I could tell she was a little bit taller than me. The weird thing was that I couldn't hear her thoughts. Whatever I need to help her.
     " I got mugged and this guy stabbed me! Please don't let me die!" She pleaded. I picked her up bridal style and started to run to the hospital. 'I'm going too slow.' I thought, before flying to the nearest rooftop and running from there.
     "I'm really sorry about this Bunny, But I just have to have your blood!" The girl giggled out. I looked at her confused.
     "Huh, what do you mean?" I asked. My question was answered as she took out a knife and sliced my abdomen open. I fell to the next roof and coughed up blood. My vision was getting dark, but I saw her give me a sick smile, before she kicked me off the roof.
     My body hit the ground with a sickening crack. I sat there for a few moments before I slapped myself awake, so I could access the situation. My breathing was ragged, probably from falling about 10 feet and landing on my back. I slowly lowered my arm to feel my stomach. ( I almost wrote 'feel myself..)
     There was a lot of blood, which explains my headache. Before I knew it I was blacking out again, but right before I closed my eyes I heard a ringing noise.
Aizawa's POV
'What the hell is he doing? He was accepted into UA, so why is he still doing vigilante work?' I thought, as I watched the video of Bunny for the second time. 'I'll talk to him later'
Later that night
Aizawa🐱: Why did I see you on tv?
2 minutes later
Aizawa🐱: Are you going to answer?
1 minute later
Aizawa🐱: Izuku, answer me when you see this
Aizawa🐱: Are you okay
3 minutes later
Aizawa🐱: I'll buy you a cat if you answer.
Aizawa🐱tried to call
Aizawa🐱tried to call
( I've typed Aizawa so much, I'm starting to think it's spelled wrong)
Aizawa🐱tried to call

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