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     "do i have to?" ricky moaned for the hundredth time that morning. "yes you do! you said you would so now go" gina told him in a very serious tone. he knew there was no negotiating with his friends. so he let out a loud sigh before heading in the direction of nini's locker. not that he knew where that was, he just remembered it was close to where they bumped into each other. yeah, that was it.
      as he approached her he noticed the same girl that was with her that day looking at him with a very surprised face "uh, that's my cue" she said "wait, what? kourt we have first period together!" yelled a very confused nini. "hi nini" the boy said from behind her, making her understand why kourtney left.
      she turned to see ricky standing there. she had to look up to look him in the eye now. "oh hey ricky" she awkwardly said. nini knew it would happen eventually, she did ignore him and all. but she didn't know what to say even tho she had a lot in her mind. "uh, look i feel like we started on the wrong foot. i'm sorry for how that conversation went".
      "it's okay rick" she said in a soft voice making him look at her in the eye. he was so focused on looking at her that he forgot he had to continue talking until she cleared her throat "oh sorry. i was wondering if you wanted to start over i guess". he tried taking a reaction from her face but he couldn't get anything "i have really missed you and i would like to try this again" he said pointing to the two of them.
      nini was still quiet. she wanted that more than anything. but was she going to be able to just be friends with him or was she going to get as attached as last time and then get hurt when he left. "uh, it's okay if you say no. i just thought it was worth a try, but it's fine, i mean, it's your choi..." "ricky, stop rambling!" she interrupted him. "sorry i just" "you ramble when your nervous. yeah, i remember" she said making him smile. "sure, we can try again" she said smiling back at him. "we can!" he said excitedly. "that's great!".
       the bell to first period rang so nini found herself a perfect opportunity to leave "uh, i have class now. text me later" she said as she immediately left, leaving no space for ricky's response.



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——————————————————————————heyyyyyyyyyyy!!! thanks for 1k reads loves❤️❤️

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heyyyyyyyyyyy!!! thanks for 1k reads loves❤️❤️

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