RWBY - [Chapter 4] - The Shining Beacon and the Initiation

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(Y/N POV (Your still wearing your mask and hood))

The time has come and so have I. Right now, I'm on the bullhead heading towards Beacon but I can't see Ruby or Yang anywhere so I guess they're on another one so right now. I will just chill here and wait and hope that nothing bad happens...I just jinxed myself didn't I?


...Great. I just jinxed myself and everyone on this bullhead and there's a nevermore coming at us right. Just one can't be that bad...fuck I did it again didn't I?


"GODDAMMIT!" I screamed in my head and watched as two more nevermores joined the first. All three started shooting their arrow like feathers at the bullhead, making it shake.

Some students started showing signs of panic while the PA announced everyone to remain calm while the pilot attempts to evade the attacks. Which I highly doubt will work since the birds are still chasing the bullhead while firing off their feathers. Unlike everyone, I did what hunters would do and opened the vehicle door and took out Grimm Reaper in assault rifle form and began shooting back at the pursuers. If people were telling me to stop or asking me what I was doing, I didn't hear it. Some decide to follow my action and took out their weapons as well and started firing back with me. The bullets did not manage to kill but did manage to irk and distract the nevermores off course. However, that was proven futile but we are nearing Beacon Academy.

"I can either summon Kaisel here and draw their attentions to me or stay here and keep on firing...but it isn't working..!" I thought to myself but one of the nevermore suddenly dived towards the bullhead entrance and latched on while attempting to grab the students.

"Oh fuck it!" I thought while charging at the grimm, the force of the charge managed to push the bird off the bullhead...along with me. As I was tumbling down with the nevermore, I shifted Grimm Reaper into scythe form and dug into the back of the bird, creating a leverage as well as making the creature screech in pain.

Despite the obvious pain, the nevermore managed to began flying again though it was trying dislodge me from its back. While that, I took out Holy Requiem in its sniper form and continued shooting at the remaining two grimms.

(3rd POV)

If there was anything used to describe what Y/N is doing right now. That would be 'insane' or 'daredevil' but despite that, he is holding out well against three nevermores and while in the air latched onto one as well. Now all three grimms' attention on him only. One dived at him, attempting to rip him off its brethren's back, it would have succeeded but as soon as it closed its distance with Y/N. He ripped the scythe through the spine, successfully killing the nevermore then jumped off the disintegrating corpse and onto the second grimm coming at him. Once more repeating the process of digging the blade into the flesh of the bird and latching onto it, he proceeded shooting Holy Requiem at the last grimm and aggravating it.

Y/N waited for the last nevermore to dive at him and when it does, he shot the sniper round right into its eye, killing it in the process. Afterwards, Y/N used both his weapons as a controller, he shifted Holy Requiem into its grappling hook form and tied the chain around the neck of the grimm and making sure it stays on the right track.

Back on the bullhead, everyone was quiet since they just witness one of their fellow hunter in training seemingly sacrificed himself for the rest, the pilot already reported it to the academy and to say the staffs weren't shock would be a lie. Some were still shocked from what happened, others berated themselves in their minds. In all that silence, nothing is heard except for the sound of engines functioning but one student managed to pick up a noise. A sound not of machinery but the sound of screeching from afar.

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