RWBY - [Chapter 5] - First Lessons

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The camera angle turns to Y/N, who was just beginning to wake up, rubbing his eyes and standing to begin the first day in Beacon. Just as he was getting dressed, a whistle blew from the neighbouring dorm room, slightly making him jump. Chuckling to himself, he walked out of the room towards his first class but briefly stopping in front of Team RWBY's room. Listening closely, he hears the ruckus of furniture being moved and the sound of unpacking. Knowing what's going on in there, he continued forth to the classroom.

Back to Team RWBY's dorm, the four girls is seen unpacking everything from their bags while scooting all the beds to the middle of room. Making a completely cramped room with almost no space.

"This isn't going to work." Weiss spoke in frustration.

"It's a bit cramped." Blake agreed.

"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff..." Yang suggested.

"Or we could ditch the beds...and replace them with bunk beds!" Ruby said enthusiastically.

"Umm...that sounds incredibly dangerous..." Weiss hesitantly said.

"And super awesome!" Yang continued.

"It does seem efficient." Blake approved.

"Well, we should put it to a vote!" The heiress suggested.

"I think we just did." Said the reaper.

To the sounds of three dings and a single buzz, the girls continued along with the sounds of jackhammers and sawing until they gathered to the front of the room. Weiss' bed is still on the ground next to her luggage, Blake's bed is next her books which are used to raise Yang's bed over it by stacking the novels onto the posts. Ruby's bed is somehow hanging from the ceiling with a couple of ropes with an extra blanket used as a tent over it.

"Alllllright! Our second order of business iiiiiiis..! Ruby exclaimed. "Classes..." She paused until talking again. "Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9, we got to-"

"What?! Did you say 9 o'clock?!" Weiss asked.


"It's 8:55, you dunce!" She shouted.

She then rushed out of the room and down the hall while the rest of Team RWBY and JNPR watches her go.

"To class!" Ruby shouted while being completely flabbergasted.

She runs out followed by Yang and Blake.

"Class..?" Jeanne say uncertainly until she loses her balance and ends up toppling Nora, Pyrrha and Rin on her. They got up from the mess and started dashing after the others while shouting.

"We're gonna be late!"


"So, now that everyone is here. We can proceed towards the anatomies and studies of Grim-"

Professor Port was about to begin his lesson when suddenly, the doors crashed opened and both Team RWBY and JNPR tumbled onto the ground while piled on each others. Everyone looked at them until one by one students started laughing while Port looks unamused. Y/N was sitting there looking indifferent...and he still wearing the damn hood and mask while wearing his uniform. It's a wonder why Port or anyone didn't questioned his sense of clothing.

"Sorry professor, won't next time." Ruby meekly said.

"I hope not. Now get to your seats and we will continue." Port replied.

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