RWBY - [Chapter 18] - Visit from a Crow

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Many people can be seen exiting the colosseum as they finished watching the latest match-up, since Cinder and her goons were discovered by Ozpin and Ironwood because of Y/N's advice.

The last match had not much significance to the plot of the original timeline or story so Y/N decided to use this chance to head to Vale for some new weapons or parts since Holy Requiem was destroyed.

"I'm heading to Vale." Y/N said to Ruby and Yang as Blake disappeared to what's probably the library and Weiss to her sister.

"What for?" Yang asked, curious.

"For some weapon shoppi-" Y/N started but Ruby closed in on the distance WAY too much.

"Did you say weapon shopping?!" She asked, excited.


"Count me in!" She declared before grabbing onto Y/N's hand.

"You better hold you breath." Yang advised.

"For wha-?!!?" Y/N questioned but Ruby activated her semblance, turning into a blurry red with F/C color while leaving petals behind.

"For that." Yang ended, shuddering as she remembered her experience then headed back to her team's room.


Ruby and Y/N arrived in Vale with the latter on the ground in a very dazed state before breathing in air while the former looked sheepish, Y/N then stared at the girl in a deadpanned expression, making her look away with slight blush before walking off to the store.

"I don't mind you using your semblance but please warn me next time." Y/N said with a chuckle.

"Okay..." She replied awkwardly as the two walked in silence before she broke it with a question.

"So, what exactly we're shopping for?"

"Right, remember the night we first met?" Y/N answered.

"Yeah, of course I would, you helped me kick Torchwick's butt then got scolded by Professor Goodwitch." Ruby replied.

"Yeah, well, one of my weapons, specifically the Holy Requiem is broken." Y/N stated, earning a gasp of horror from Ruby.

"Blasphemy! How could you mistreat a weapon! They're a part of our body and-" She ranted cutely before Y/N stopped her.

"I didn't say I broke it, Deca- I mean a grimm broke it." He said, earning an "O" expression from Ruby.

"Oh." She added.

"Anyway, I'm looking for a long-ranged weapon, preferably a sniper with... any choice of melee weapon, I guess." Y/N remarked.

"Aaaaaaaalright! I think I know a store with good ones!" Ruby exclaimed happily before grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him along.

"Alright, alright, calm down little rose." Y/N chuckled again, patting Ruby's head, much to her slight chagrin.

"YYYYYY/N! Don't treat me like a kid!" She pouted but only served to persuade the said boy to cup her cheeks together and softly squishing them.

"Nope." Was his reply as he continued squishing them, silently enjoying the softness and the girl's cuteness.

"YYY/NNN!" She retorted, trying to pry off his hands and shoot an angry look but only making an adorable pout.

"...I want to pet this thing forever." Was Y/N's thought currently.

"Ah? Ooh! Y/N! We're here, we're here!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the store entrance.

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