RWBY - [Chapter 21] - The Grand King of Time

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After finish discussing with Ozpin's group, Y/N made his way to the Amity Colosseum where the match was going smoothly and soon about to be Pyrrha and Penny's turn next. Of course, as a precaution and just maybe him being too paranoid, he sent his shadows around the area to make sure a certain green rat isn't around here to cause trouble.

However, he isn't there just to make sure the rat was present, of course he's going to keep an eye out for any legless trash and an egotistic bitch. Currently, Y/N stood on top of the highest point of the colosseum while surveying the match being in play right now, Yang against a random guy who is way too cocky thus got his ass kicked immediately.

Okay, he did put up a good fight but nothing else interesting.

Anyway, Yang won her fight against her opponent thus meaning she will fight in the final round, just to be clear, Y/N and Eirwen's round was a special one so it doesn't count. Unfortunately, Nora lost her fight against Penny since the latter was too quick for the hammer wielding pancake loving leg smasher. Though Nora did managed to get some good hits onto the girl, the next match was her against Yang and got 4th place.

Yang against Penny was the next match and the former put up a good fight against the hidden android but still lost due to her fatigue managing to catch up with her. Thus the final match will be Penny against Pyrrha who absolutely wiped her opponents before, that's when Y/N began to keep an even sharper eye out for the trio.

And that's when he noticed a hooded figure behind the nearby stands, in fact, whoever they are looked too out of place. Of course, he also caught a sliver of lime hair and tan skin beneath that cloak. Then Y/N began his plan by gathering his shadows into that one point of the stand before snapping his fingers. He knew he succeeded if the figure began squirming around while looking down and soon disappearing.

"Time to scare the shit out of a rat." Y/N declared, grinning before holding out his hand where shadows began to converge on.

To reveal a struggling and gasping Emerald being held by her neck, her face was the look of shock and fear as she soon realized she was gone from the realm of shadows and back to Remnant.

"So, you liked my gift so much that you want another one, right?" Y/N taunted, smirking dangerously. Very dangerously.

"W-what..? H-how..?!" Choked out Emerald.

"Let's just say, I'm better than a street rat like you." Said Y/N, whispering the last part before smashing the girl straight into the ground.

"Now, then. Let's watch the match, capisce?" He added, sitting on the girl who struggled but to no avail managed to push him off.

"Still, if they realized that Emerald is compromised, would they still send the grimm into the city..? Actually, yeah, they would." Thought the boy.

"G-get off me..!" Emerald demanded, still trying to push Y/N off.

"Please, you are in no place to make demands." Y/N bluntly replied back as he watched the fight between Pyrrha and Penny take place.

Both competitors began to clash with unrelenting speed and power, neither sides are giving in to their opponents' strength as they tried to overwhelm each other. Pyrrha's numerous experiences and semblance gave her an advantage towards most of her opponents but Penny wasn't just any opponent, she as a secret android had the capabilities to analyze and calculate precisely where her opponent would strike next.

Thus, it was a fight of tricks and plans instead of the usual brute strength.

However, as much as Y/N wants to enjoy watching the battle with his own eyes, a quiet but distinctive ringing was emitted from beneath Emerald's cloak. Looking at the spot, Y/N reached in and grabbed the scroll much to the latter's protest and efforts to stop him, displayed on the screen was the name "Mercury" and Y/N pressed it.

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