Halloween Special Chapter

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Halloween. The most joyous event of October, people go out trick-or-treating, hoping to get some delicious sweet candies in return. Whereas some just go out partying with other people and get drunk and crazy on the streets and yard to the point the police has to come to settle the partygoers. Overall, it's pretty hectic for Halloween, but only if you're back at my place.

I had my own fair shares of Halloween, most of them involved my parents dressing me in any costumes I wanted and taking me out to get the candies. I never knew such activities would be found in the world of RWBY, who knew they also celebrated the event, in fact I didn't catch a glimpse of anything that resembled a calendar.

To make it more weird, I realize that days and months weren't mentioned much in RWBY, it's always referred to as "days ago" or "days later"! But that's not my problem, because right now, I'm walking through Vale's commercial district to find some candies and decorations for our very own private party back at Beacon. However, there's a slight problem.

I can't find any fucking candies, there is the decorations but not a single. Goddamn. Candy.

"This is the worst..." I muttered as I gazed through the various stores which all the candy sections are empty.

"Out of all the days to run out, why Halloween?!" I ranted before sighing, this kind of shit should be expected, ESPECIALLY when it's the day to eat candies all night.

I continued ranting silently as I walked through the streets, I should recount why I am down here in the first place, from the beginning when Ruby suggested we all have a Halloween party, we all got pretty excited so there they go. Finding costumes and decorations, in fact Ozpin himself decided to announce that Beacon Academy is having its own party so now every students is riled up, most of them are decorating the place while some went to get candies. 

*Sigh* "...It's Halloween at Freddy's... All the guests have arrived... Everyone's dying to meet you so... Won't you spend the night~?" I quietly sang, calming myself down.

Even when I'm singing, my thoughts still brought me back here and now I'm afraid if I can't find any candies, I'm going have to go to another kingdom... or I could just go buy some from the Store which is honestly going to be more easy than just walking down here but if I think if the rest saw some unknown candies that doesn't exist here then I'm going to have a problem.

And who knew when I was ranting my ass off, I felt another gate! My goodness! It's almost like someone intentionally placed that gate there so they could make my day even more tiring! Hmm... I WonDEr wH0 iT iS?

Looking around to make sure no one can see me, I leapt onto a building before following the sense of the gate which was near the outskirts of Vale and before I knew it, I was in the Forever Fall forest again. Ah, good times of me traumatizing CRDL to the point they almost shat their pants and passed out.

Anyway, I'm currently in the far deeper region of the forest, there was some occasional grimm and attacks but I simply dispatched with my shadows. In fact, is this what Saitama feels when he can't find a good opponent? Even if I do use my own arms to fight, the enemy's either too weak or I'm too strong but I like to think about the former.

Regarding the candies I was meant to buy, I think I'll get them later since the gate in front of me right now is an A Ranked Gate, it wasn't any different from the gate where I got Bemular from. Now that I wonder, if its Halloween, would anything be different? Definitely.

"YEET." I shouted and jumped into the gate. 


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