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Caitlin's POV
Barry walks in with iris and they stand next to each other.

"Wanna tell them?" Iris mumbles

"No you can tell them." Barry says

"Ok" Iris says as she shows us the ring on her finger

I look down and discreetly walk out of the room, but Cisco followed me out.

"Caitlin what's wrong? You don't seem very happy for Barry." He says

"What? I'm happy for Barry it's just I needed to think." I Say

"You love him don't you?" He asks

"Ya But it doesn't matter because in the end it wasn't enough." I Say

"Cait-" He says but I interrupt

"Just drop it Cisco." I Say as I walk back in the cortex to see everyone

"Congratulations Barry." I Say hugging him

"Congratulations Iris." I Say hugging her

I go and sit on the chair.

"Cait are you ok?" Barry asks

"I'm fine don't worry about me."I say

"Are you sure? I don't want to see that frown again ok, your my best friend and I always wanna see you smile." He says

"Im sure." I say

"Ok see you later." He says

"Bye" I say as he sped out

The next day(still Caitlin's POV
I'm walking to my car from jitters but all of a sudden everything thing goes black.

Barry's POV
I get a call from joe.

"Barry get to the jitters parking lot now." He says

"What is it?" I ask

"Come see for your self." He says ending the call

I run to jitters only to see Joe next to Caitlin's car.

"What happened?" I ask

"A witness saw someone knock Caitlin out and kidnapped her." He says

"We have to find her." I Say walking back and forth

"We will Barr." He says

I run to star labs

"Guys Caitlin has been kidnapped!" I yelled running up to the computer

"What? How?" Cisco asks

"I don't know but we have to find her."i Say

"It's really late." Iris says

"You and Cisco can leave I can save her myself." I Say

"Ok" iris says as they walked out

I run around the city as I see an abandoned warehouse I run towards it.

I see the villain.

"Reveal your identity or this women dies." The villain says choking Caitlin in the air

"Don't do it Flash I'm not worth it!" She yells

"I'll do it!" I yell

"But first you have to let her go!" I yell as he let her go she ran to me and hugged me

"Barry DONT do it, not for me." She whispers

"I have to, it's the only way to keep you safe." I Say

"Are you ready flash?" He says

"Let's get this over with." I Say

I'm about to take my mask off when I see frost around me.

"Frost what are you doing?" I ask

"Saving your ass now let's go." She says as I speed us to star labs

"Cait Thank goodness your ok." I Say hugging her

"I'm glad Frost came and saved us." She says

"Yeah"I Say

"Are you ok?" She ask

"I thought I lost You." I Say as a tear slips out of my eyes

"I'm still here. I'm ok." She says

"But what if h-he killed you?" I ask

"He didn't because you saved me." She says

I leaned closer to her.

"Umm I got to go." She says leaving

I run to the loft. I hear noises in the bedroom. I walk upstairs and opened the door.


"Barry I'm sorry." Iris says

"Save it!" I yell

"Get out!" I yell

"I'm sorry." She says leaving

I sit on my bed and cry.

The next day

Caitlin's POV
Barry hasn't been in star labs I get worried and I go to his loft. I knock on the door and Barry opens it with tears streaming down his cheeks. I look in and I see boxes taped up.

"Barry what's wrong?" I ask

"Iris cheated on me." He says crying

"She did what?" I ask getting angry

"She cheated on me." He says

"How could she just do that? Your such a great man. You deserve so much better than she who shall not be named." I Say Hugging him

Few weeks later

Barry's POV
Caitlin has been helping me get over iris and it worked because I'm over her but now I'm falling in love with Caitlin.

Iris walks in.

"Hey guys." She says

"GET OUT!" Caitlin yells

"What why?" Iris asks


"Cait it's ok." I say trying to calm her down

"I'm sorry I guess I was just angry." Caitlin says

"Barry I just came to say I'm sorry and I was hoping we could still be friends." Iris says

"Sure." I Say

"And Caitlin I hope we can still be friends as well." Iris says

"Sure" Caitlin says

"See you later. Oh and I hope your happy together." Iris says

"Oh we're not together." I Say blushing

"What ever you say." Iris says walking out

"Cait I-" I Say But a man interrupts by saying her name

"Cait." A man says

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