What a suprise.

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Picture above is Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker)3 months pregnant.
3 months later
Barry's POV
Caitlin is at work and Jaime is asleep right now so I light some candles and put some roses on the floor. After I finish Caitlin walks in and opens the light only to see me on my knees with a ring in my hand.

"Oh my gosh." She says as she covers her mouth with her hand

"Caitlin Elizabeth Snow will you Make me the happiest man alive and Marry me?" I ask

"Yes of course." She says as I put the ring on her finger
The ring:

"It's a beautiful ring but you didn't have to get a ring with 3 diamonds

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"It's a beautiful ring but you didn't have to get a ring with 3 diamonds." She says

"I wanted to." I say

"So I Umm i got call and I've been invited to my high school reunion and I was wondering if you'd like to come." She says

"Of course id like to." I say

"Ok great it's tomorrow." She says


The next day

Caitlin's POV
I get Jaime and we go to my high school.

We walk around the school as a women came to us.

"Caitlin nice to see you." She says

"Britney." I says

"Who's this handsome man?" She asks

"My fiancé." I Say

"Oh and you guys have an adorable baby, and a baby on the way." She says

"Babies, we are having twins." I Say

"Well lucky Caitlin, I remember you used to be scaredy-Cait. Still are." She says

"Eww What is that smell?" She asks

"It's Jaime. I'm gonna go change her diaper babe be right back." I Say taking Jaime to the restroom

Barry's POV
"So handsome what do you do for a living?" Britney asks

"I work as a forensic scientist for the CCPD, and my name is Barry, Barry Allen." I Say

"I can't believe Scaredy-Cait got a cute guy like you." She says

"Why are you dating the biggest nerd at this school?" She asks but little does she know Caitlin standing right behind her

"I'm dating Caitlin because she the nicest, prettiest, and smartest girl I know and you can't tell me otherwise!" I yell done with Britney's crap

"Wanna know what I think about you? I think you only graduated high school because you slept with all your teachers! Your not actually smart because if you are smart you wouldn't have talked about my Fiancé like that! I bet even your friends think your a bitch!" I yell loosing my temper as everyone stares at us

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