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Caitlin's POV
"Hey jay." I Say

"Hey Cait." He says

"I really appreciate you keeping Barry safe." I Say

"He's not the only one I want to protect." He says

I lean in and kissed him.

Flashback ends

Caitlin's POV
" What's wrong Cait?" Barry asks

"I was just thinking about how I cheated on you." I Say crying "how can you Still be with me? I cheated on you, I should't have anybody in my life. I don't deserve you." I Say crying

"Hey don't say that you do deserve me. Yes, you cheated and it did hurt but I will always love you." He Say wiping my tears away from my cheeks

"I love you too, so much." I say

"Plus, I'm way more attractive than Jay." He says

"Yes, yes you are." I Say as I kiss his lips and he pushes me down on the bed without breaking the kiss

I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it across the room. Than he took my shirt off and threw it across the room. You know what happens next...

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