Party gone wrong

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Barry's POV
We are at star labs and Jaime is playing with her toys in the med bay. Me and Caitlin put up a sign that says we are engaged. Then they all walk in and go straight to work not looking at the sign. But then iris looks up and notices Caitlin's hand.

"OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS!" Iris yelled running up to Caitlin and hugs her

"Thanks." She says as iris hugs me after

"What is going-" Cisco says As he looks up and sees the sign

"Oh my gosh congrats." He says hugging us

"Treat her Well Barry." Joe says hugging me

"Keep an eye on him please." Joe says to Caitlin

"Always." Caitlin says hugging Joe

"I have to call felicity." Caitlin says

Caitlin's POV
I go to the med bay where Jaime is playing and I call felicity.

"Hey felicity." I Say

"Hi Caitlin." She says

"Is Oliver with you?" I ask

"Ya why?" She asks

"Put it on speaker." I Say

"Hey Caitlin what's up?" He says

"Come to central city I have some news I'd like to share in person." I Say

"Ok we're on our way." They say ending the call.

Few hours later

Me and Barry and Jaime are at jitters as felicity and Oliver comes to sit with us.

"So what's the news? And follow up question who's the adorable girl?" Oliver asks

"The adorable girl is Barry and i's daughter Jaime." I Say

"You already gave birth?" Felicity asks

"No Me and Barry adopted Jaime because I saved her from a car crash and there was a big explosion and I couldn't save her mom." I Say

"Oh" they say

"But about that I'm pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl." I Say

"Oh my gosh congratulations." They say

"And you want to tell them?" I ask Barry

"We're getting married." Barry says

"When's the wedding?" Felicity asks

"A week after Cait gives birth to the twins." Barry says

"Congratulations we should have a bachelorette party for Caitlin." Felicity says

" ya and we should have a bachelor party for Barry." Oliver says

"Don't you see I'm pregnant, what am I gonna wear felicity?" I ask

"I'll help." Felicity says

"Ok." I say

"Let's go." She says pulling me

"Ok bye babe." I Say as kiss Barry's lips

"Bye." He says

Felicity drives us to the loft.

"Umm felicity can you drive us to this location." I ask as I show her  the location

"Ok why?" She asks

"I'll explain later but me and Jaime would like to go there." I Say

"Ok." She says

At the location

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