Move in?

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5 months of Barry and Caitlin dating
Barry's POV
I go to behind caitlin and kiss her neck.

"Barry we are at work." She says

"I know but we are alone." I Say as I keep kissing her neck

"Barry i have to get this done." She says

"Fine." I Say

"Thank you." She says

"Move in with me." I blurt out

"What?" She asks

"Move in with me. I mean your already at my apartment with me most of the time, so it wouldn't change a bit." I Say

"Yes sure." She says

"Ok can I use my speed and get your stuff to our loft and unpack?" I ask excited

"Slow down speedster, I want to do it like a normal person with your help." She says

"Ok let's go." I say grabbing her hand and we go to her car

We go to her apartment and we pack her things and put the boxes in her car.
Than we get to my loft and unpack her stuff.

"Now can we do it in our bed?"I ask

"Yes we can." She says as we start making out on our bed

You know what happens next...

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