Birth of the twins

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Pic at the top are the twins
6 months later

Caitlin's POV
"Ahhh." I yell in pain and Barry runs to me

"What's wrong?" He asks

"It's time." I Say

"Oh my gosh!" He yell he picked me up and put me in the car and he drove to the hospital
(Btw baby sitter is watching Jaime.)
Hours later

"Their beautiful." I Say

"What's their names." The midwife asks

"The girl is Nora Snow-Allen, the boy is Henry Snow-Allen." I Say looking at Barry

"Those are great names where did you get it." The midwife asks

"Nora is my deceased mother's name, and Henry is my dads name." Barry says

"I'm sorry about your mother, and your dad alive." The midwife asks

"Ya He is." Barry says

"That's great." The midwife says as she looks at my hand

"Oh my gosh you guys are getting married." The midwife says

"Yep next week." I Say

"That's amazing." She says

Couple of hours later

I put the twins to bed.

"Hey I'm gonna need to hit the gym if I'm gonna fit in my wedding dress." I Say

"Later this week you can go." He says

"Ok Barr." I Say

"Now let's celebrate." He says kissing me

"I like how you think." I Say as I kiss him but I hear babbling

We go to Jaime room to see her walking.

"Oh my gosh Jaimes walking!" I yell

"Come to mamma." I say as Jaime walks to me and I hug her

"I love you Sweetheart." I Say

"I wuv you too mama." She says

"And daddy loves you to sweetie." Barry says hugging Jaime

"I wuv you to daddy." She says

I smile at them as Barry plays with Jaime. I walk to the twins room and hear Henry crying. I pick him up and rock him in my arms. When Henry falls asleep I put him back in the crib. Than Nora starts to cry so I pick her up and rock her in my arms, when she falls asleep I put her in the crib. I walk out and closed the doors behind me.

Then I can see Barry And i's fight 6 months ago. Than I had a panic attack.

I start breathing heavily and Barry walks out of jaimes room and sees me.
He comes to me and holds my hands.

"I can't I..I can't." I say as I fall on my knees then he goes on knees as well

"Breathe Cait, in and out." He says

I try to breathe in and out but I couldn't control my breathing.

"I-I can't." I Say still breathing heavily

"It's gonna be ok Cait what's wrong?" He asks

He runs and got water for me.

I drink the water and I calm down. I breathe in and out.

"Thank you." I say

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I keep remembering our fight that we had 6 months ago." I Say as a tear slips out of my eyes

"Hey it's ok it will never happen again."  He says rubbing her back

"I know." I Say

"I love you." He says

"I love you too." I say kissing him

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