Jaime's first word.

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Caitlin's POV
We go to star labs with Jaime in my arms.

"Umm who is this cutie?" Cisco asks

"This is Jaime, I saved her from an explosion." I Say

"Cait and I adopted her because her mom died In the explosion." Barry says

"Oh ok and you have a baby on the way." Cisco says

"Yep." Barry says

"Congratulations." Cisco says

"Cait why don't you go play with Jaime in the med bay I need to talk to Cisco in private." Barry says

"Ok." I Say taking Jaime to the med bay

"Peek a boo." I Say covering my face and uncovered my face as I hear her laughing

"Mama." Jaime says

"Barry she said her first word!" I Yell picking her up

"What was her first word?" He asks

"Her first word was 'mama'." I Say

"No way." He says

"Watch, Jaime sweetheart who am I?" I ask

"Mama." Jaime Say

"Who is this?" I ask pointing to Barry

"Dada." She says

"Good job." I says

This is Jaime:

"Barry we have to get an ultrasound today and see the gender of the baby

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"Barry we have to get an ultrasound today and see the gender of the baby." I Say

"Yes lets go." He says

We go to the hospital.

"Hello I'll be finding out the gender of your baby, oh who's this adorable little girl I didn't see her at your last ultrasound?" The midwife says

"We adopted her last night. My selfless girlfriend saved this 1 yr old from the car crash, but she couldn't save the mom." Barry says

"Ya and the mothers last wish was for me to take care of her. Her name is Jaime." I Say

"That's a great story." The midwife says

"Thank you so is it a girl or a boy?" I ask

"Well look at that there's baby's, a boy and a girl." The midwife says

"We're having twins." Barry says as he pecks my lips

"We're having twins." I Say smiling

"Congratulations." She says

"Thank you." Barry and I Say

"Bye." She says cleaning the gel off of my stomach

"Bye." We say leaving

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