The perfect night

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Caitlin's POV
Cisco,Barry, and I are in star labs.

"Hey Cait I can't wait for our date." Barry says

"I can't wait either." I Say

"You two are together again?" Cisco asks

"Yep" Barry says

"Watch out she might sleep with Jay again."Cisco says


"Barry it's ok." I Say

"NO ITS NOT! CISCO HONESTLY YOU SHOULD BE ON CAITLINS SIDE , YOU TWO WERE BEST FRIENDS FOR LONGER THAN YOU KNEW ME. SO FOR GODS SAKE JUST FORGIVE HER CISCO!" Barry yells "I'm not telling you to forget I'm just asking you to forgive her." Barry says lowering his voice

"I'm sorry your right." Cisco says

"I'll let you two talk." Barry says as he goes to the speed lab to train

"I'm sorry Caitlin I really am." Cisco says

"It's ok I understand." I say

"So are we friends again?" He asks

" yes." I Say

"Good it was really hard hating you. By the way I never hated you it was an act." He says

"Ok Cisco I gotta go get ready for my date with Barry." I Say

" Bye." He says

I go to my apartment and change into this dress:

I go to my apartment and change into this dress:

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I hear a knock on the door and I open it

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I hear a knock on the door and I open it.

"Hey you look sexy." Barry says

"Thank you." I say

"You clean up nice to." I say

" Let's go." He says taking my hand

He runs us to the date:

He runs us to the date:

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" it's beautiful." I Say

"Your beautiful." He says pulling me close and kissed me

"Let's eat." I Say

"Ok." He says

After we ate dinner Barry took me home.

"Tonight was a amazing." I Say as we gaze into each other's eyes

I crashed my lips on his and we start to make out.

"Let's finish this in your bed." He says

"Ya let's do that." I Say as we go to my bed and finish what we started

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