Jay garrick pt. 2

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Caitlin's POV
I walk in wiping my tears away. Than I see Iris and Cisco giving me death glare.

"What?" I ask

"What do you mean 'what', you hurt him. We heard you guys arguing so we watched the security cameras and we saw what you did, how could you do that to him?"Cisco Says and I stay silent

Iris walks up to me.

"You don't deserve Barry he loves you with everything he has and you go and throw that away." She says

Before I could say anything Iris slapped me hard on the face and walked out, I put my hand on the cheek she slapped as a tear slipped out of my eyes.

"Here take this put it on your cheek." Cisco says dropping it on my hand and walked out

I sat down putting the ice pack on my cheek as tears stream down my cheeks

"Guys what's up." Joe says as he sees me on the chair crying with an ice pack on my cheek

"Caitlin? Did Cisco hurt you I didn't think he would ever hurt you." He asks

"No it wasn't Cisco he was the one who gave me the ice pack." I Say as a tear slips out again

"Who did it?" He asks

"I-Iris did it." I say looking down

"I'm sorry for her behavior." He says

"It's fine I deserved it." I Say

"No you didn't deserve that, so what you made a mistake everyone makes mistakes and iris made a huge mistake by slapping you and she will have a huge lecture from me." He says

"Why are you being so nice to me? I broke Barry's heart." I Say

"I know but I know how to forgive." He says

"Thank you But I don't deserve forgiveness." I Say walking out

Barry's POV
Cisco walks in my lab so I wiped my tears.

"What's up bro." He says

"I didn't think Caitlin would do that." I Say

"Ya you should have seen what iris did to Caitlin." He says laughing a little

"What did she do?" I ask

"Iris slapped her across the face." He says

"That's not funny. Look just because Caitlin cheated on me doesn't mean you should go against your best friend." I say

"She cheated on you that is unacceptable." He says walking out

I sigh

Iris walks in.

"Hey how are you feeling?" She asks

" why would you slap Caitlin?" I ask

" she cheated on you." She says

"Ya Well So did you and she didn't slap you." I Say as she looks down

" I forgave you and we became friends again so maybe I can do the same for Caitlin." I Say

"You had no right slapping her, and I'd like it if you stay away from her." I Say running out to star labs

"Hello is anyone here?" I ask walking into the cortex only to see Caitlin on the med bay crying

She looks my way as she wipes her tears.

"I was just leaving." She says about to leave

"Caitlin wait." I say as she turns around

"Yes?" She asks

"I was just gonna ask if we could at least still be friends?" I ask

"Yes of course." She says

"Oh and I'm sorry for iris slapping you." I Say

"You know about that?" She asks as I nod

"It's fine I deserved it anyway." She says

"It's just she had no business to slap you especially since she cheated on me as well." I Say

"I'm sorry it ended that way, Barry." She says as a tear slips out of her eyes

"It's ok we can still be friends." I Say

"Thank you." She says as she hugs me

"No problem." I Say hugging back

I week later(Caitlin's POV)

I've been dating Jay for a week now and we are happy I mean he's happy I don't know how I feel. Cisco walks in

"Hi Cisco how's your day?" I ask

"It was good until I came here." He says

"Oh" I Say looking at him

"What? Do you need something?" He asks harshly

"No I don't." I say

"Ok then stop looking at me." He says

"Did I offend you?"  I ask

"You hurt Barry last week I'm not gonna let that go." He says

"Look I know I hurt Barry and I regret it I made a mistake ok I didn't mean for any of it to happen ok, and Barry and I are friends now." I say

"You did mean for it to happen." He says

"No-" I say but he interrupts

"Yes you did because your dating the man that you cheated on Barry with." He says walking out

I look at the bed where Barry woke up from his coma.

"What did I do? I cheated on the man I love." I Say falling on my knees crying

'I need to get him back.' I thought

I go to Barry's loft after breaking up with jay. I knock on the door

"Caitlin what are you doing here?" Barry asks

"We need to talk." I say

"Oh ok come in." He says letting me in

"So what's up?" He asks

"I broke up with Jay." I Say

"Oh I'm sorry." He says

"No need for apologizing, because I realized that my biggest regret is not becoming Killer Frost, my biggest regret was cheating on you. I still love you and I mean it, and I know I hurt you and I'm sorry. So please take me back." I Say as he stays quiet

"I-I can't I'm sorry." He says

"Please I promise I'll do what ever it takes to make it up to you." I Say

"Your lucky I still love you." He says

"Does that mean you'll give me another chance?" I ask

"Ya it does." He says

"Thank you so much." I say

"No problem." He says but I look down

"What's wrong?" He asks

"It's just Cisco hates me, my best friend hates me. I guess he's not my best friend anymore." I Say as a tear slips out of my eyes

"Hey it's gonna be ok just give him some time to think." He says

"Ok." I Say as we cuddle on his bed

"I love you Barry." I Say

"I love you too." He says

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