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Pic above is Caitlin's wedding dress.
Few weeks later

Caitlin's POV
"After all that working out to lose the baby weight. I look the way I was before I got pregnant. And now I can fit into the dress." I Say

"Yep you can." Iris says

"You look gorgeous Cait." Felicity says

"Thanks." I Say smiling

I frown

"What's wrong?" They ask

"What if Barry leaves me at the alter?" I ask freaking out

"He won't, He would Never do that." They say

"Ok your right." I Say

"Can you bring Jaime and the twins here please?" I ask

"Ok sure." They say as they leave and come back with the twins and Jaime

"Hey cuties." I Say

"Mommy you wook pwetty." The now 2 year old Jaime says

"Thank you sweetheart." I Say

"Mommy why are you wearing a dwess?" She asks

"Me and daddy are getting married. Do you know what married means?" I ask

"No." She says

"It means me and daddy will be together forever." I Say

"Yay! I wuv you and daddy!" She says as she smiles widely

"We love you too." I Say smiling kissing her head

"Hey Henry." I Say kissing his forehead

"Hey Nora." I Say kissing her forehead

"Mommy can I come with you?" Jaime asks

"Sure sweetie." I Say as I pick her up

I walk down the isle with Jaime in my arms.

"Sorry she asked me if she could come and I couldn't say no." I say

"It's no problem." Barry says

"Vows?" The officiater asks

"What are vows?" Jaime asks

"Shh Jaime don't talk just yet ok sweetie I love you." I Say as I see Barry smiling at us

"Can I start?" Barry asks

"Go ahead Bartholomew Henry Allen." The officiator says

"It took a while for me to realize that I love Caitlin, and I'm glad I realized when I did. When we started dating we had some rough patches but when we moved in together it got easier and a week after we moved in together she got pregnant and I was so happy. I love Caitlin because she is kind, smart, beautiful, and most importantly she's selfless. Caitlin is the best women I know." He says

"Mommy why are you cwying?" Jaime ask

"I'm ok sweetie." I Say wiping tears away

"Caitlin you go next." The officiator says

"I always loved Barry since the day he lost his speed, and he showed his true self. I love Barry because he's kind, he's honest most of the time, he's funny, he's handsome, and most importantly he's the most selfless person I know. Barry has saved so many people in this city, and he constantly sacrifices his life for other people. I love Barry Allen, not Barry Allen the flash I love the normal Barry Allen." I Say

"Mommy your making Daddy cry." Jaime says

"Jaime I'm ok I love you and your mommy." Barry says

"I wuv you to." She says

"Awww." The families say

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The officiator says

I put Jaime down still holding her hand and I kiss Barry.

"Look Jaime me and daddy will be together forever with you and your brother and sister." I Say picking her up

"Yay!" Jaime yells In excitement

"Come to daddy Jaime." Barry says as I give Jaime to him

"Peek a boo." He Says covering his face and uncovers his face she starts giggling

I go get Henry and Nora and we take a family picture.

"I love you Cait." He says

"I love you too Barry." I Say as I kiss his lips as they took a picture of us kissing

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