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{the sun is also a star ❤️✨}
They say love is not like an open door sometimes that door is locked because of tragedy

Someone one told me
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,

Love like you'll never be hurt,

Sing like there's nobody listening,

And live like it's heaven on earth.

So as we grow and the days go by in life ..
Yet the question still remains unanswered
What is love to you ??
I'll let you fill in the blank

What is love to me you ask ?
Love is when no matter the circumstances,time,distance that person is forever on your mind ...

One day to just be around them and hear your heart skip a beat when they touch you ...

Almost if the world had stopped and it was just you two there in each others arms


The air being swept away from your feet almost as it was,

Meant to be....
That feeling in your heart when you know There the one
You run ,jump skip a million miles for them because they are your world......

your home away from home

The light that separate you from the darkness

The sun the stars that reminds us of those restless night thinking about what your life could be with them

Or can we even imagine living without them here
You fight hard for what you love!

And thats okay to fight

Love is not an open door or just something we learn or some cheesy word

Its okay thought of know you can not live without someone no matter ........
All the pain and sacrifice because it was wroth it in the end

You can breathe with that person in your arms

Yes...Your gonna fight and you guys might not always have the the best moments but
That's what love is.
The definition of love

Love means knowing that no matter what, you have someone to count on. It's unconditional and makes you feel good on the inside. You can trust the person you love

It may be cheesy to you but in some sense.....
this could be my reality, could be yours

But love like this doesn't exist anymore
But hey sometimes its nice to dream it could be real


That we can make it real
Wishing upon a star that one day i can have this admiration for love & keep it I'll wish on the Bigest star there is the sun

Cause the sun is also a star 💫......

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