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{He was a lie🥀🌑}
He was my happy my reason to exist.....
but he was just someone I had made up in my mind
someone who said I love you (but didn't mean it)
Someone who made me feel like I was the world to them (but I wasn't I was just another person)......
I thought I had the really him I thought he loved me as much as I loved him (I was so stupid)
but instead of leaving him and his toxic ways......
I stayed because I loved him more then myself(why are you taking up for him he just gonna hurt you again)
Why do I have to have such big heart !
Why did he have to be a lie !!
When I wanted him to be so real
for me.....

He toke away my pain
He made me forget all about it
Only for me to realize he was a lie
He was just a figment of my imagination
A lie that I will never forget because....
This lie caused me so much pain
This lie made me love him
This lie broke me in half a tossed me
Like I'm nothing (cause you weren't to him) to him I was just another to me he wasn't now he's just another lie In eyes..... another scar

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