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(Bed of roses 🥀)

He's different

I want so bad to tell him , i love him

I'm scared of being hurt I want him....

But can he fix me with all i been through

I'm his first and I'm scared he won't feel the same but..

I so badly want to make him my forever

The way he looks at me the way his dimples set in place just him

I can't lie and say I don't think he's the one cause I think he is......

I'm falling and quick

I'm falling in a bed of roses and he's there to catch me

I want to trust him
I want to love him
I want to be able to hold him when he needs me
And the same goes for me

I can't stop thinking about him he's always on my mind .....

I-l need him

He doesn't know what he's doing to me and how he does it in the right way

I'm laying in a bed of mine of roses 🌹 with me in his arms and him in mines

Mind of cold thoughts[Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now