Hello! (Not part of the story)

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Hello guys am gonna finally start uploading and this is one of the ideas I've had since my break. I thought this would be fun since I've really started enjoying the game The wolf among us! Also I've been watching films I watched as a kid and put two and two together so here is my new book! Please enjoy I will try and upload as much as possible!

Also I won't go with the original story line am sorry but I've had this idea and thought you guys would like it since I thought it was good if you want the original story I will make one if you guys want it :)) bye! Thank you for the support!

Am going to keep some parts of the story in and some out I want to keep my story original and not do the same as the game or comic because something new is good anyway I will leave it here so you enjoy.

Bigby x reader (The Last unicorn)Where stories live. Discover now