Bigby and Y/N sitting in a tree!!!

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Some time went by and you found yourself in the bar where Holly worked at,she didn't look quite happy she gave Bigby a questionable look but you pretended not to notice. The boy from the morning was straddling Bigby like he was his best friend and from Bigbys glance they wasn't even friends.

So Bigby why didn't tell anyone you had a girlfriend~~~!

If looks could kill Jack would be dead,Bigby definitely had a glare. You wasn't afraid of Bigby he seemed alright but I don't think you would ever try to piss him off after that.

Fuck of Jack she's not my girlfriend.

Yeah right I 100% believe you Bigby,she was at your apartment so yeah just friends!

Obviously Jack was being a pain in the ass and Holly tried to tell Jack to back of but nothing was working,you was new so it was kinda obvious everyone was trying to figure out if you know someone. You left Bigby and Jack together which wasn't a good idea but oh well.

So are you a couple?

Far from it,let's say someone doesn't like me and wants me dead and he's being my babysitter which sucks.

Am guessing the crooked man has something to do with this then,I heard the red bull was back so am guessing that son of a bitch is up to no good. What did you do?

Be the last one.

Last what?

You whispered to Holly so no one would hear you.


She looked at you shocked,she looked around and stared into your eyes. The look she gave you said it's not true. You looked down.

I thought you was all...

Dead..yeah Holly it's was bad. But Holly am glad am here I know am safe and if I know am going to put people in danger being here I will leave,you guys are friendly and don't mean no harm so I won't cause harm to you.

Holly didn't know what to say she looked speechless,all of a sudden the bar door was wide open and a woman entered,the room went silent and Bigbys face changed he looked angry,really angry.

What are you doing here Mary?!

Bloody Mary
Wow..can't even say my full now how shameful.

You didn't answer.

Bigby was getting angrier and angrier,what was with this woman? Was she evil? You heard of Bloody Mari before,was this her? She didn't look as scary as you imagined but I guess you was glad for that.

Bloody Mary ignored Bigby and looked at you and gave you a simple smile,it wasn't a evil smiled or a nice one,it seems fake.

Bloody Mary
So you are new,I've heard of you,Red bull told me all about you.

Silence. So now you know why she's here. Jack looked at you confused but soon enough someone grabbed your hand and ran with you. They was going to fast and you couldn't keep up.

St-stop! I can't run anymore..

If Bloody Mary is coming for you then that's not good! With her and The red bull to!

You was silent you didn't know what to say but to only look down. Bigby started to walk and you followed him. You both got to his apartment and he sat in his chair and you got changed.

You had a shower and you put on a simple blue t-shirt with shorts. You put your hair up (if it's long). You sat next to Bigby on the floor. You couldn't hold back how scared you was,knowing you could die tonight, haunts you. You stated to cry and you didn't realise.

Bigby looked at you and he put it hangs through you hair. His hands were large but warm and soft. You didn't think he would do this,he didn't seem like the one to. You didn't say anything about it,you liked it.

Try and not to worry so much. I have to protect you it's my job and if I don't do that then am not good at my job. You should try to get some rest tonight we have a lot to do tomorrow I need to find out fast what's really going on.

I-I will try not to's hard..knowing I could die is scary,I don't want to die not yet..why me?! What did I do wrong? What did my kind do to deserve this? We was kind,loyal,we never hurt anyone..we healed people when they was sick..we brought loved ones back from the dead...

You,your kind. You guys where powerful and the red bull wanted that sorry for what happens but I hope we can make things right. One of you is alive doesn't that mean something?

Bigby was right,for saying he didn't like to talk he could really make someone feel safe. You both went to bed ready for tomorrow..

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