The last unicorn and the red bull

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You awoke from your sleep to feel the lights shake a little. You wondered what was going on but you second thought it since it was a cheep apartment. You sat up and started to get ready for the day you got changed into a yellow sun dress with white sandals and you put a white flower in your long white hair. (Am sorry you look like this you can change it to your liking if you wish) you left with you bag and began to walk down the street.

While walking you got lost in thought and bumped into someone.

Am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going.

Oh no don't worry about it.

You helped each other up and looked at each other.

I've never seen you before..are you new..?

Yeah I am. Hello am Y/N you are?

Your not a mundie are you?

No no! Am a horse it's pretty dumb..

Am Snow it's nice to meet you Y/N well don't worry what you are. Do you like Fable town so far?

Yes! It's really nice I thought it would be a lot busier but it's quite and peaceful and I like that just wanted to be in a town for once you know?

Well it's nice to have you I hope I see you soon Y/N

You to goodbye

You both waved at each other and went your ways. Snow looked back at you one more time and thought but she soon forget and carried on. Fable town was nice,if your nice the people are nice even if they do swear but you don't care.

While walking something sent a strong shiver down your spine and you looked at the other side of the road and saw..him..? No way..? They said he was dead! Gone! You couldn't believe started to panic and didn't know what to do. If you run he might sense you if you stay..? He still might sense you! He looked at you and you felt your whole body stop in one place. If he was going to get you then it was perfect you couldn't do anything. He smiled and waved and carried on.

Wh-what..? Why?? When???? Did he not know you was one of them?! Could he not smell the magic even the invisible horn?! Wtf?! So many thoughts went through your head so many questions..did he turn good? Was this some big dream?! Snap out of it!

You quickly went back to your apartment forgetting about why you went out. You sat down shaking and thinking so much about what just happened. You sat down on your sofa and had a full glass of water and chugged it. The night soon arrived and you wanted to go to a bar but not Holly's somewhere else.

Tonight was going to be a fun night you was going to forget about the red bull,your gonna look good and have some fun and try and meet new people. You didn't want to go clubbing your not that type of person,but going to a local bar sit and wait for hopefully someone to talk to you would be nice.

Bigby x reader (The Last unicorn)Where stories live. Discover now